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L.A. Noire


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So, who else has played this? I just got it in the mail from Gamefly yesterday and played it for a little bit. So far I like it. It's a pretty cool game, and a unique concept. It is an interesting change of pace for sure.

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2 Days, Lots of food, no sleep, and I was able to power my way through the entire game (Console version has 3 disks). The game was amazing until it shot itself in the foot with the ending, those who have finished the game probably know what I am talking about.


None the less well worth it.

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I heard there are multiple endings to the game tho John. Should play thru it again.


This game, being created by Rockstar, famous for its series such as Grand Theft Auto, and recent smash Red Dead Redemption, is 1 of a kind for sure. First of its kind in fact. Those facial traits you see in the game? They arent even an engine. No unreal engine, nothing like that. It was all real. Made by real people's face expressions. When someone frowns in real life, that same exact frown, you will see in game. The power of technology.


I see the reviews and game play, I believe the game is spectacular. But some gaming sites have only given it 8/10, 8.5/10 ratings. Not what I was expecting/hoping. But who knows? Many gave Gran Turismo 8's, and it sold millions later on including those judgmental sites re-giving it higher ratings.

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i has the game =[


Let me tell u something, at first i loved it, then i spent the entire game asking questions and getting answers lol.

If u want action like RED OR GTA4 then don't get this game, it is an open world game but u cant do anything.

Game Lags allot to, lol

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