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;iFantacyyy@ - Aimbot - CSS


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At around 18:00 GMT ;iFantacyyy@ came onto the server ([HG] 24/7 Crackhouse Deathmatch EU - HeLLsGamers.co.uk | HLstatsX) instantly using an aimbot


He was standing on rooves high up and jumping from head to head using an LMG which was moving around at an insanely unhuman speed.

I and a few others tried to "voteban" ;iFantacyyy@ but it was useless, we needed 18 and only around 5-6 were voting to ban. I did try and record him playing but I did not have the software and had trouble using it and getting the recording to actually work (sorry!). By the time I came back (around 18:20) he was gone. He ended up with a score around 200-3 and a huge point bonus of course.


I do not have any admins on my friends list (if you can put your steam id on this post so I can add you for future reference/help). Also to mention he had already around 3700 points on his score meaning he must've been hacking or playing on the server before this time.


And unfortunately I only have his COMMUNITY ID but better than nothing.


Steam NAME: ;iFantacyyy@

COMMUNITY ID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027570589





Edited by Noc2RnaLxCrU
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I'm just saying Noc, we have accepted gameME player stats before as sufficient evidence for aimbot bans many times in the past.

Usually staff will make that call. Imma just bump this so staff can make that call... cause it does look like aimbot.

Kills: 626 (625*)

Deaths: 143 (with Hs: 27%)

Headshots: 512 (511*)

Longest Kill Streak: 36 Kills

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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