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1, Abuser name : Checkers the kitten

2, Steam id # 109 "HG | Green Ranger#Staff" STEAM_0:1:11466320 26:54 141 0 active


3, kicked me twice randomly

4, PROOF: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dalomancer/screenshot/559783220090202437?tab=public









Im pretty sure i didnt do that right but thoes are the screen shots showing him abusing his admin. I am tired of always being acused of abusing because of people like this admin making us look bad. Please do something or i feel he will continue.

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Clearly you can't read. I warned you to stop insulting me. Which lead to your first kick. "Kiss my ass little boy" Yeah, good job on that. The second kick was you yelling at me calling me an abuser. Told you to drop it, and you didn't. Second kick.


Where are the random kicks? These are valid reasons to kick someone.


I don't understand the first SS. I slayed him cause he killed a guy who was killed twice in a row. AKA Rdm and NLR. As for the others, you can clearly read me warning you to NOT insult me. And you still do it...

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OH BUT its ok for you to insult me and other people, see thats what i am talking about. First you get in a conversation that has nothing to do with you, and wonder why you get told to kiss my ass. MAYBE just MAYBE you mind your own business when im helping someone instead of butting in and talking shit we wouldnt have a problem in the first time. When i am helping someone THERE is NO NEED for you to but in and the kick me when you get told off

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I made a comment to someone that wasn't even you. Then called me a dumb ass... And its in OOC so if you're trying to have a conversation, do it over PM's or in person instead of cluttering the chat. Expect people to butt in. And I called that guy an idiot for claiming it wasn't RDM. Cause he WAS being an idiot. Calling me a dumb-ass for a comment not even directed towards you wasn't called for.

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From what you show seems like you were instigation shit with green ranger. If your helping someone fucking talk to them up front or in pm NOT OOC. If your gonna talk through OOC someone is get in your business especially if they are asking for help.

Not abuse.



P.S. quit shit talking and you better quit it before it happens again.

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