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Same engine, same basic gameplay. Nothing in the CoD series has been original since the first Modern Warfare. It's a dying series in which 12 year olds seek entertainment from. It's dying, Treyarch/Activision, leave it be after this next one. The only thing that will be worth playing will probably be the campaign.

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Advertising, Shit fucked weapons, is what I have seen wrong with the game already. If those graphics are it's highest setting then I will be super disappointed. Read the campaign and my only problem with it was the systematic entire conscription of the entire country of Russia to fight 4 of the most militarized nations on the planet. I call bullshit.

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Will be the worst game ever made. No offence to COD Fans but COD died the day the decided to launch 1 game every year! Lets be honest, Modern Warfare was a sucess, but after that one, they started to launch games way to fast. They did not even finished the game and they launched it... They only wanted to make money, they do not care about the gamers. Blackops was the worst one in my opinion. Many of us could not play any of the servers because of some stupid issues caused by the game. I sincerely think that MW3 will be a huge fail, and I HOPE IT WILL! I am tired and more then sick to see Russians being the main "bad" guys. Only proves how the developers are against Russians.

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Will be the worst game ever made. No offence to COD Fans but COD died the day the decided to launch 1 game every year! Lets be honest, Modern Warfare was a sucess, but after that one, they started to launch games way to fast. They did not even finished the game and they launched it... They only wanted to make money, they do not care about the gamers. Blackops was the worst one in my opinion. Many of us could not play any of the servers because of some stupid issues caused by the game. I sincerely think that MW3 will be a huge fail, and I HOPE IT WILL! I am tired and more then sick to see Russians being the main "bad" guys. Only proves how the developers are against Russians.


Next game Modern Warfare $4 where Russians invade all you banks and if you don't kill them fast enough you hae to pay Activision a fee to keep playing and create mor anti-russianism!

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Will be the worst game ever made. No offence to COD Fans but COD died the day the decided to launch 1 game every year! Lets be honest, Modern Warfare was a sucess, but after that one, they started to launch games way to fast. They did not even finished the game and they launched it... They only wanted to make money, they do not care about the gamers. Blackops was the worst one in my opinion. Many of us could not play any of the servers because of some stupid issues caused by the game. I sincerely think that MW3 will be a huge fail, and I HOPE IT WILL! I am tired and more then sick to see Russians being the main "bad" guys. Only proves how the developers are against Russians.


well the company that makes it makes it every other year, and cod6 was good, but it needed dedicated servers. If they take mw2 upgrade graphics add good maps and have dedicated servers and it will be a good game. AND YOUR A BAD MAN A BAD BAD MAN

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well the company that makes it makes it every other year, and cod6 was good, but it needed dedicated servers. If they take mw2 upgrade graphics add good maps and have dedicated servers and it will be a good game. AND YOUR A BAD MAN A BAD BAD MAN


haha lol. COD 6 = Modern Warfare 2. Very awesome game. I like how they made it, but they could have make it better! Dedicated Servers + Custom Mods.

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