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1 Abuser: steam Id 0:1:18978081

2 Place: Dark RP server

3 Proof: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dalomancer/screenshot/559783220102512798?tab=public

http://steamcommunity.com/id/dalomancer/screenshot/559783220102513367/?tab=public http://steamcommunity.com/id/dalomancer/screenshot/559783220102514535/?tab=public



Im sure after reading the consoles it is pretty self explainatory. He was disrespecting another Admin,(kickable but i did not) allowed his "partner" to random demote and act like he himself were an admin. Allowing his "friend" to disrespect the Admin as well with no warnings, going along with whatever he said. Along with random kicking a player..not kick..Ban im sorry. And then tells me I can't do anything because i am a regular admin..as if he is untouchable. If this is how your Admin act twards players then its no wonder all the other admins are abusing, He is supposed to be someone to look up to to make the RIGHT choices, to set an example for other newer admin like myself, not be a minge on the server. I also feel that im wasting my time, because as he said, there is nothing going to happen to him.

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Well the 2 first console picture is explained on the report smackey did. i FIRST kicked him for breakin nlr, then he came back and called me names so i banned him for 1 min for disrespecting. I did not allow him to "random demote" he demoted him cause he wasnt selling guns. AND smackey also went after pedobear ALL THE TIME and tried to kill him , suceeded many times too. so he demoted him again for rdm. thats when you are taking me in and saying im defeding pedobear, im not defending him, i told him that he could demote because he never sold guns. Also you want me to bring in your little abuse here too? while we were robbing you? you just teleported to the pawn, and then when we finally broke in, you teleported yourself out of the pawn to avoid getting killed.. ill get the screenshots.. give me 1 sec

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First off i died and when i respawn I have someone saying for me to come to them quickly, so i do, When i got there and realized why he was calling me i teleported out, If anything i was avoiding being called an abuser thank you. Smacky was selling, Just not to you thats why yall demoted him, thats what started the argument. The whole im right your wrong stuff. He was a gun dealer for the Mob...Me and the gangsters. Since when is that wrong. As i have been told before, there are three gun dealers for a reason.

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pretty much what I got is


1. A clear disregard of rules from both parties.

If Smacky is overusing his language, by all means, he can be kicked/banned with warning. If he is breaking rules and is pissy about it, it's fine as well for you to kick/ban (with warning).

Lars, you absolutely cannot use admin to piss people off.


2. The kick/ban (assuming NLR was actually broken) is justified therefore there is no abuse on that part.

However, I strongly suggest you reconsider on how you act with other admins as there seems to be ongoing reports between you two.

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