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Crackhouse Abuse - Never trust a hippie

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1. Abuser name: Never trust a hippie

2. Their Steam Id: unsure

3. What server: Crackhouse

4. About what time: 4:10 today

5. PROOF: Cursing at players in chat. I'm sure you can find it in the server log


6. Please tell us about the incident:


I am a regular of the crackhouse server and never have any issues. But today when I joined the server Never trust a hippie first kicked me for my name "The man from Niger" (which is where I was born) with the message change name. So I changed my name to "The man from Pakistan" (which is where I grew up). So then I changed my name To AMERICA HUA, because it seemed he only wanted Americans playing on the server.


He then proceeded to curse at the players questioning why I was kicked, and kicked/banned a few other players. I told him I was reporting admin abuse so he said something along the lines of "Good now stfu or get banned." And then I got banned. So this is the abuse report I promised, as I feel this is unfair.

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You either need to provide the chatlogs from our gameMe site player chat logs or take a screenshot of your console which should have recorded the chat prior to your ban, as hard proof is required to complete an abuse report.

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Care to explain the following statements made by you then?



im reporting admin abuse

i'll get unbanned

and you'll lose admin



He was not banning you because of where you were from but for your attitude towards him and your blatant disregard for respect. Any attitude he had towards you was initiated by you in the first place.

Edited by Papa John
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The first half of those are from different days, said towards my friends, or if somebody calls me gay i almost always reply with "im gay as hell" because that usually stops them. The only ones which were involved in the abuse are the ones from "im reporting admin abuse" down.


If you look at the picture of the chat log, you can see he banned someone for asking why he kicked me, and pointing out that Niger is a country.

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Well the very first quote is racism, which implies that you clearly are not referring to Nigeria the country in your name. Therefor your name is racist which justifies the reason the kick, and the after mentioned ban for disrespect. Staff should review this thread shortly (However you ban was only for two hours).


@Image Issue - You should upload the image to zhost.hellsgamers.com, as imageshack has removed the direct linking feature to only those that register.

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Completely inappropriate language.


You cannot use that type of language in our servers.


Racism is not tolerated to any degree. Whether your intentions in your name are malicious or not, I don't think it would be admin abuse if your language is that poor.

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Regardless of when it was said, this is not allowed.


What Hippie did however is questionable and as well, since your attitude seems to be that of one who believes that they can say whatever they want is, your credibility is just as questionable.


1. Using the n-word is not allowed on our servers. Stop deflecting what I'm saying. I don't care if you've said it a week ago or a second ago. This is a perma-bannable offence. I suggest you strongly heed to this warning. This is NOT up for debate.


2. In my opinion, your name could suggest offense, but I would myself, not interpret it that way. I think your name could cause offense, which is why he kicked you.

Any more of this language and you will not be welcome on our servers ever.

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I still don't understand. I'm not saying that it's okay that I said that. But what I am saying is that without a doubt Never trust a hippie was abusing me and other players. Regardless of what I said a week ago. And you've also skipped the fact that I changed my name to 'the man from Pakistan' and he kicked me again.


Again, I'm not saying that I was right by saying what I said a week ago. I'm saying that Never trust a hippie was abusing players. That's why I made this post.

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Hippie if he wants to name himself "The man from pakistan" let him... there's nothing inherently wrong with it. If he said/is saying something bad or inconsistent with MOTD WHILE having that name, then by all means you can ban him.


Kicking him for having the name "The man from Pakistan" is completely unnecessary. I'm remarking this thread.


This is end of discussion. Don't cause any more trouble on our servers.

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