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-hg- escXtc


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1. Abuser name: -hg- escXtc

2. Their Steam Id: 0:0:6624741

3. What server: dust2_unlimited DM

4. About what time: 6/1/11 around 1:00 pm

5. PROOF: http://www.mediafire.com/?u46gj0g51ffurot

6. Please tell us about the incident: This demo begins after escXtc banned me for 10 minutes because he wrongfully thought I was cheating. He continued to mic spam with insults and about how he thought I cheated after I reconnected.


Usually I just try to ignore this type of stuff, but announcing it over the mic starts a witch hunt where everyone in the server will get upset about just about any kill the accused gets because they will inherently believe an admin. You can see that even after escXtc leaves, other players continue to be upset about my presence in the server because escXtc planted the seed of thought that I was cheating.


Just watch the demo from the beginning. That's when escXtc is in the server talking his nonsense. I wish I started it sooner, as he insulted me and my family before I thought to record. You may have to load the demo twice. The first time I load the demo I don't see other players or hear footsteps. The second time I load it everything is fine...


Please refer to: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/47006-anX-banned

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This guy anx clearly hax. Multiple ppl on the server speced him and everyone agreed. anX you know you hack. why lie? It is ok to be just mediocre at a game. There is no need in cheating. You prefire EVERY corner that has someone around it, when no one is around the corner you do not pre-fire. I have watched you jump off the top of ct spawn turn and headshot guys where there were no footsteps, Once I was standing in ct spawn between the two boxes and you came in from c or b and shot me in the head exactly, this happened 2 times in one round of play. If you do not hack then you are the luckiest player I have ever played with, watched, speced. It is ridiculous that ppl like this guy get away with the things that he gets away with. The other players that were annoyed with your presence, you forgot to say that all of these players moved to spec and watched you, then they would announce it, this guy is a hacker that is trying to point fingers where ever he can to try and make himself feel better for hacking. You know maybe I did badger him a little, but I couldn't help it, the only time I get to play is during the day while I am at work (I own a private montessori school), we teach children respect, honesty, and honor. This anX guy has none of that. The gmae is not fun when someone is cheating and playing like this guy. I will demo this guy every time he comes in a HG server, he hacks and when someone is cheating and trying to hide it, it makes everyone in the server leave. I changed my name and came back into the server and sit in spec and watched the server that had 22 ppl in it dwindle down to 4 ppl, b/c anX was cheating. Everyone in the server said he was cheating and I never said a word. I did not mic spam either. If you watch you can see me talking to frequent players on the server. Everyone on there gets along with me and has befriended me on steam. He is mad b/c everyone caught on to his hacks.


Oh and yes, I played on a cal team long ago, I have friends that were paid professionals, there are lots of times on a server that I watch guys dominate and it makes ppl mad, but these guys can not hold a candle to anX. No one, I mean NO ONE is as good as this guy is when he plays on our servers, he was on just the other day and I sit in spec, his score was something like 257 kills, 57 deaths.......other guys like deja, [HG]Macdaddy, superman, none of these that totally rape the server are as good as this guy plays. He will run down short a and you can see him looking into ct spawn before he jumps the edge to headshot a guy, the problem is he always lands perfectly with his crosshairs on someones head. When I had 4 VIP's in a server and they all said he was hacking before I went and speced him, you gotta pretty good idea what is going on. I think he should have a permanent ban, because it is obvious that he is going to cheat and he will never admit it, I know lots of ppl like this, he will never admit to cheating and he will fight it b/c he wants ppl to think he is good or something, but what he doesnt realize is that he is way to obvious, at least to an experienced person that watches him often, you can tell by my steam id that I have been around. Oh his ID is anX 0:0:7806299

Edited by escXtc
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This guy anx clearly hax. Multiple ppl on the server speced him and everyone agreed. anX you know you hack. why lie? It is ok to be just mediocre at a game. There is no need in cheating. You prefire EVERY corner that has someone around it, when no one is around the corner you do not pre-fire. I have watched you jump off the top of ct spawn turn and headshot guys where there were no footsteps, Once I was standing in ct spawn between the two boxes and you came in from c or b and shot me in the head exactly, this happened 2 times in one round of play. If you do not hack then you are the luckiest player I have ever played with, watched, speced. It is ridiculous that ppl like this guy get away with the things that he gets away with. The other players that were annoyed with your presence, you forgot to say that all of these players moved to spec and watched you, then they would announce it, this guy is a hacker that is trying to point fingers where ever he can to try and make himself feel better for hacking. You know maybe I did badger him a little, but I couldn't help it, the only time I get to play is during the day while I am at work (I own a private montessori school), we teach children respect, honesty, and honor. This anX guy has none of that. The gmae is not fun when someone is cheating and playing like this guy. I will demo this guy every time he comes in a HG server, he hacks and when someone is cheating and trying to hide it, it makes everyone in the server leave. I changed my name and came back into the server and sit in spec and watched the server that had 22 ppl in it dwindle down to 4 ppl, b/c anX was cheating. Everyone in the server said he was cheating and I never said a word. I did not mic spam either. If you watch you can see me talking to frequent players on the server. Everyone on there gets along with me and has befriended me on steam. He is mad b/c everyone caught on to his hacks.


Oh and yes, I played on a cal team long ago, I have friends that were paid professionals, there are lots of times on a server that I watch guys dominate and it makes ppl mad, but these guys can not hold a candle to anX. No one, I mean NO ONE is as good as this guy is when he plays on our servers, he was on just the other day and I sit in spec, his score was something like 257 kills, 57 deaths.......other guys like deja, [HG]Macdaddy, superman, none of these that totally rape the server are as good as this guy plays. He will run down short a and you can see him looking into ct spawn before he jumps the edge to headshot a guy, the problem is he always lands perfectly with his crosshairs on someones head. When I had 4 VIP's in a server and they all said he was hacking before I went and speced him, you gotta pretty good idea what is going on. I think he should have a permanent ban, because it is obvious that he is going to cheat and he will never admit it, I know lots of ppl like this, he will never admit to cheating and he will fight it b/c he wants ppl to think he is good or something, but what he doesnt realize is that he is way to obvious, at least to an experienced person that watches him often, you can tell by my steam id that I have been around. Oh his ID is anX 0:0:7806299


This is a prime example of why this guy should not have admin. He gets so worked up and so sure of himself when he has absolutely zero proof that I cheat.


Have some humility and learn that there are simply better players out there than in your tiny little pub world. If I cheat then why would I get in here and post a demo OF MYSELF? For 5 seasons of CAL/CEVO main, I was never disputed. Not one time. I am (was) well known in the competitive community and nobody thinks I cheat. I played on LAN just as well as I play online.


Also, go ahead and say what you want about me in terms of CS, but don't tell me I don't have respect and honor. You said I would steal from my own mother if I had the opportunity. I am currently sacrificing an enormous job opportunity to take care of her as she goes through chemo and radiation. You don't know me. Stop being so condescending.


Want to know what makes this game not fun? People who constantly call cheats and can't just accept being beat. Refer to your previous 4 incorrect accusation threads. Clearly you just don't know what you're talking about.

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I do not get worked up. I am the most even headed person anyone knows. I own a private school that has children ages 6 weeks thru 12 years, I deal with upset parents all day and upset kids. So do not say that I get worked up. It looks like you get worked up. I have humility, I know I am not the best, but when you are owning the hell out of the top ranked players on the server repeatedly. When other admins and VIP's that play here everyday spec you and say you hack, you obviously hack. I have 2 or 3 other demos on you. They all show some pretty messed up stuff, and you can see that everyone on the server is complaining about you before I say anything. I accept being beat all the time. I will be the first to admit that there are lots of better players than me, but you hack. Blatantly hack, you do a decent job of TRYING to hide it, but you still hack. That is a fact. You can say you played all these leagues and what ever, on legit-proof it says you have never played more than 3 seasons (proving you are a liar) and also you havent played since 2008, huh....maybe you were banned from league play for hacks also. Just stop the lying. I do not care if you play here, just NO HACKS, oh and what makes the game not fun is not a player that call others out on hacks (maybe for hackers), it is the people whom lie constantly as they cheat and everyone and I do mean EVERYONE on the server says you hack. It isn't a coincidence.


Batters, yes I would understand if it were an awp, but it is not. It is usually the m4. It isn't hard to get headshots with the m4, but when you are prefiring only on corners were someone else is around that corner, he never prefires when no one is there and also jumping down off of places where ppl have been standing there not moving and he jumps down and as he does his crosshairs are constantly on the victims head, he follows them through the walls.


Also anX it is funny how when you see me go spec, all the sudden you start doing worse than you were, also everytime I go to spec and get the camera on you, you pause and stand for a minute as if to turn hacks off. I am not mad, I just do not like cheaters of any kind. I strive to do the right thing in my personal life and in my business life, I just hate to see ppl taking the easy way out and cheating to get ahead.


Oh and posting a demo of yourself "not hacking" that is the funniest thing I have ever heard or seen. Of course you would do that. Notice you are not doing half as good as you usually are.

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As you said, I told to turn off the hacks, you didn't, I went to spec and literally speced you for 30 minutes. During which time your deaths went significantly up and kills when significantly down. Then I join the game and there you go again, kicking butt. I asked you again and then warned you, then banned you for 10 minutes, usually ppl will either not come back or if they do they will not hack more, which you came back and when I went spec you stunk, when I joined you beat the pants off everyone again. Others, almost all said you were, then they proceeded to leave the server, b/c you were cheating. I could go on for days about this. But I know I did my job. I feel good about my choice and would do the same again if time were turned back. I know when I am wrong and am not scared to admit it. But in your case.....We need a camera on you with no one in spec and then you would caught red handed.

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I pm'd [HG]Homer a question on using the admin and here was his response


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Default Re: Just trying to answer a few things about admin


You can ban suspected hackers, to get the hacker banned permanently you would need to record a demo and submit the proof in the Ban Reports forum for staff to review.


Thank you.



I did my job.

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I do not get worked up. I am the most even headed person anyone knows. I own a private school that has children ages 6 weeks thru 12 years, I deal with upset parents all day and upset kids. So do not say that I get worked up. It looks like you get worked up. I have humility, I know I am not the best, but when you are owning the hell out of the top ranked players on the server repeatedly. When other admins and VIP's that play here everyday spec you and say you hack, you obviously hack.


The way you act in the demo I posted opposes just about everything you just said. People getting killed by me are obviously biased. You told them I was cheating and they believed it instantly because I was frustrating them by killing them (legitimately).


I have 2 or 3 other demos on you. They all show some pretty messed up stuff, and you can see that everyone on the server is complaining about you before I say anything. I accept being beat all the time. I will be the first to admit that there are lots of better players than me, but you hack. Blatantly hack, you do a decent job of TRYING to hide it, but you still hack. That is a fact.


Nope. You are just mistaken. Just like you were on the 4 other claims you made on other players that were laughed at by other HG members. Are you forgetting those? You are the boy who cried wolf.


If you have other demos, go ahead and post them. They will show nothing but legitimate play by a better player than yourself.


You can say you played all these leagues and what ever, on legit-proof it says you have never played more than 3 seasons (proving you are a liar) and also you havent played since 2008, huh....maybe you were banned from league play for hacks also. Just stop the lying.


This is totally incorrect. If you are going to bash me at least get your facts straight.


Here is the link to my legit-proof page:




League seasons last about 3 months. I was on iue5old (original iue5) in CAL main from September 2007 to January 2008 (~3 months, 1 season). I was on iue5 (merged with another main team) in CAL main from January 2008 to October 2008 (~9 months, 3 seasons). The iue5old stayed in the CAL database until June 2008, but that roster was marked dead in January 2008. Also listed on that site is a season of CEVO main. That's 5 seasons, just as I said. Who's the liar here? (Actually, I've played 6 seasons of main, but I only say 5 so people like you don't call me a liar. Not listed on that site is CAL main season 5 with Cookie Extreme). I believe league bans are also listed on that site. Like I said, I was never even dispute, let alone banned for anything.


I do not care if you play here, just NO HACKS, oh and what makes the game not fun is not a player that call others out on hacks (maybe for hackers), it is the people whom lie constantly as they cheat and everyone and I do mean EVERYONE on the server says you hack. It isn't a coincidence.


Again, this is incorrect. In the demo that I posted, elohel and Junki were both saying that I wasn't cheating. Also, it is pretty common that good players get falsely accused in public servers.


Batters, yes I would understand if it were an awp, but it is not. It is usually the m4. It isn't hard to get headshots with the m4, but when you are prefiring only on corners were someone else is around that corner, he never prefires when no one is there and also jumping down off of places where ppl have been standing there not moving and he jumps down and as he does his crosshairs are constantly on the victims head, he follows them through the walls.


Your idea of prefiring a corner is simply good crosshair placement and knowing the angles of the map. Go watch the demo with r_drawothermodels 2. I turn my back on players coming out from behind walls all the time. Anticipation and experience is not cheating.


Also anX it is funny how when you see me go spec, all the sudden you start doing worse than you were, also everytime I go to spec and get the camera on you, you pause and stand for a minute as if to turn hacks off. I am not mad, I just do not like cheaters of any kind. I strive to do the right thing in my personal life and in my business life, I just hate to see ppl taking the easy way out and cheating to get ahead.


Why would I care if you're spectating me when I was recording MYSELF with plans to post the demo on these forums? Do you see the flaw in your logic? You're imagining things if you think I changed the way I play because some pubber was getting upset.


You need to let go of your black helicopter attitude towards other players. Trust me. You'll enjoy playing more when you start saying "nice shot" instead of "OMG cheats."


Oh and posting a demo of yourself "not hacking" that is the funniest thing I have ever heard or seen. Of course you would do that. Notice you are not doing half as good as you usually are.


I had about a 3:1 KDR in that demo which is better than I usually do. All I was trying to do in the demo was catch your admin and voice abuse, which was a success.

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If someone is hacking RECORD A DEMO and make a report on the forums. Telling them to "turn their hacks off" isn't going to work. Nor is sitting in spec badgering people about hacking (whether they really are or not) a good idea. This isn't your first time.

As far as admin abuse goes, It was only 10 min ban, but you can't just go banning people for 10 min here, 15 min there, for hacking, without any proof. This is your final warning. Please have proof next time and make a report on the Forums. Thanks.

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