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League of Legends; Good or Bad?


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The game is alright in my opinion. Its basically a free to play version of HoN


Fufufu~ How wrong and how right you are my friend. Firstly, both games are essentially ports of DotA, so you're better off saying LoL is the free version of...DotA (You have to buy WC3 to play DotA so it's still paying to play it). LoL can be considered a lot more casual than HoN due to the fact that HoN is a lot more punishing, yet it is a lot more rewarding.


HoN - Pay once, get all heroes from the start, a decent community (most people don't give it a chance) and hardly the need to spend real money to buy in-game things.


LoL - Free, a selection of legends to choose from each week usually about 8, work up to buy champions to add to your selection, costs real money to buy skins unless Riot suddenly decide to have a giveaway. I bet over 75% of the LoL playerbase have spent real money buying worthless things and have spent double the amount needed for HoN.


HoN thread?

HoN thread.

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LoL is especially fun, it's the only game to really pull me away from TF2 in a couple years! It's free, and even though you almost always have to use cash to buy useless skins, you can potentially own all the heroes just by playing the game. Plus the free champs rotate every Tuesday, with new champs coming out every few weeks.


It's a free, more user-friendly version of HoN or DotA. If you want to try it out, go for it, it's FREE!!! But warning, this game will suck your life away lol

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League of legends is a great game imo. HoN is still better I think because its more competitive and there aren't as many stupid trolls. Saying they are both ports of DoTA is a stretch. HoN has more "ports" of characters. The game play is all the same. The champions and heroes are different. Leauge of Legends doesn't have direct ports like some of HoN's heroes. There are similarities between the characters but nothing that is exactly the same. Both games are great and league is free so just try it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...




There is nothing casual about the amount of time some of my friends have put into LOL. Actually there is nothing casual about a game that requires you to sit and play for up to 45 min with no breaks and no afk time, possibly punishing you with a 24hour ban on even early offences.


Its a fun game when you have a group, learn the terminology and understand how to play right.


Its not so much fun when you cant graps the concepts (playing lanes, and knowing how to watch for the teamfights). The strategy is all in grasping concepts rather than out performing with stronger characters.

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I think its a fun game, it is free so try it out. I used to play HoN then got a job and I couldn't really play much, but LoL was pretty easy from the start. I play both games now and LoL is easier to play, but I would say HoN is more fun, especially if you like challenging yourself.

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