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ph rob hg.


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so today, ph rob got in an arugment today with me about being allowed to kill afks on the jail break server.


he said no i couldnt and got all pissed off. then i told him to read the damn motd. so he got even more bitchy. then he shut up when he saw it.


i then was trying to kill a rebeller, which i did but i accidently hit rob as well. i apoligized to him and then slayed myself and he was bitching.


so i said something back so he bans me for two hours.


i return after those two hours, and im the 2nd to last ct, so i give a TEXT WARNING that im SOS- shoot on sight, in pool. i wait in pool then i kill a single non rebel who didnt listen to my text warning. ph rob then slays me.


he says i freekilled, aruging that i had given a text command which is not allowed. infact i had given a text warning which is in the MOTD.


i ask for another admin to prove if i am wrong or not and without warning he then bans me.

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SAS you need to change your sig. It's a bit too gory for the forums.



AIDs, as for you, you seem to have a problem keeping your mouth in check. I'm going to trust ZCarp on this one. Maybe if you weren't constantly talking shit you wouldn't get into these messes.

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Hmmm I wasn't in there, but from what I heard AIDS just should have gotten a mute or kick. No need for a ban.


Zcarp I know that you like to keep the JB server running as smoothly and as rule breaker free as you can, but sometimes you do use excessive force.

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Just copy the image paste it to paint shop or photoshop and you can ezily see what it says :)


Umm also zcarp has nothing to do with this convo he was only brought in as a witness so in my opinion thrillhouse i don't think you should of brought him into this with a negative responce towards him.


But otherwise aids does talk major trash in game. And far as i seen zcarp has never done wrong so i would have to believe him over it all.

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Insulting admins is a banable offense. I wouldn't of banned.


Also you know whats funny, when arguing with admins, its a bannable offense. Especially when the player is right. Am i right Zcarp? [/sarcasm]

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