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Note from DAF owner


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Some 2 [DAF] members attacked our GunGame DM server and We had a talk with [DAF] leader about this.And our HG council and staff are working on it.We will get our GunGame DM server get set up right away.And here is a note from [DAF] clan leader He wanted this thread to be on public.


Steam ID:Butch STEAM_0:0:14503433

Steam ID:A Blue Box STEAM_0:0:20859816








I kyle22890 the Leader of Department of Armed Forces [DAF], have recently heard about how one of my members hacking your servers. I am outraged and extremely offened about how my members are going around hacking other players servers. I had no prior knowlage of my members doing these actions, and i can assure you this was not an action of DAF or any action under my command. I know some players from [HG] that are [DAF] members aswell. Again with out prior knowlage i did not authorize these actions under [DAF]. I hope this doesnt affect the relation ship of [DAF] and [HG]. I know one player who i really dont want to lose because he is a good friend. I wish to continue good terms. I hope that you ban these players respectfull in all your servers to prevent this again. I will honestly make sure that any [DAF] member that decides to do this again will be banned from all [DAF] servers aswell. I am deeply sorry for these actions and i hope that [DAF] and [HG] can still be non-conflict clans, And again i am completely sorry and these actions will not go without punishment. -Kyle22890 - Leader of Department of Armed Forces.

Edited by LAPD
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