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TS ban


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1. Your in-game name: Shift-|

2. Server that you were banned on: TS

3. The Banning admin: Faithless

4. Your Steam-Id:

5. Reason for ban: was in 10 man server specing faithless told me i have 5 seconds to leave the server even thoo i wasnt doing any thing wrong then banned me from ts cause he felt like it ..

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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We're actually not done here


First, you came into the sevrer and literally the first thing you said was "wow you guys are bad" if you'd like, I can have the chat logs pulled up for you.


Do you really this that's acceptable? You aren't even in the 10 man and you just join spec to talk shit? Who are you again?


Edit: and on top of that you post an unban request and lie about the reason for your ban, EVEN AFTER we have already had problems with you in the past that we planned on talking to you about.

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We've all heard about you abusing your admin powers in teamspeak when you moved italk out for no reason when he wanted to 10 man, and when you moved rick out 3 times in a row for no reason as well. Not to mention the first time I've ever seen you, you join spectate in a 10 man, start calling people bad, and refuse to leave after I told you to. Great first impression

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1) i moved italk out of the channel cause he kept going afk , and we got a sub for him after we got a sub he came back but continued playing with out italk cause we were tired of him keep goign afk and actually wanted to play , i dont rememeber moving ric at all soo if i did then i guess i did

2) We already went over this i told you i called them bad cause they didnt know what team they were on and suiciding too try and swtich teams then they never ended up switching teams soo i said u guys are bad

3) Telling some one too leave the server in a 10 second period of time isnt really refusing i leave after like 10 seconds , then after u banned me from TS



its been a couple days and no one has told me how long my ban is soo id like to know how long ur keeping me banned for

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whyy u even saying any thing on my ban request u ugly nerd let this be up too staff .

what am i spose too rememeber every thing im doing i was trolling you .

thats why i cant connect too any 10 man servers or hg servers right im unbanned in ts but not in servers soo mind your own business rick your annoying as fuck


This is why you're banned. You have a nasty attitude, you're a troll, and you're disrespectful as fuck. Seems to me like you haven't changed a bit... Is there a reason we should unban you? Is there a reason you should even have 10 man mod?

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well he shouldnt be putting his nose where it doesnt belong this thread should be for staff and me only .

well what doo you want me too say , i pretty much admited i did it too ric , as for italk i told you i kicked him cause he kept going afk and ask every one he goes afk all the time in the middle of ten mans .

and me calling the kids bad i told you what i really ment by that . i donno what else u want me too say , sorry for being a jerk i wont abuse my powers any more ?

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