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Another loophole


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I'm getting tired of having to do this, but derp admins are ganna derp and fk and say its not because of loopholes in the rules and cry about it and say they are not fking.


When an order is given to freeze, and you are in VIP as T, and you are running around in VIP and then run into a spot in VIP where you cant be shot and survive. Then lead says all T's run to bottem of cell stairs and freeze upon arrival. Should the T that was moving around be killed? A new order was given, and no order was given to kill the T that was moving.


What should be done here? T dies or lives?

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t lives, new order preceeds the old one. derp admins that want to have a higher kdr in jb will do dumb shit like this. old motd said not to nitpick, it goes both ways. cts don't nitpick the order to find ways to get free kills. NEWS FLASH KDR IN JB DOESN'T MATTER.

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I would say T lives because new orders where given IMO.


And as for derp admins accidentally fking, just slay yourself to keep people happy even if you think you didn't fk. You miss out on a few minutes of game play big deal, just stretch your legs and resume playing at the start of the next round.


Also remember, if you think an admin is doing the wrong thing take it to the forums; don't use admin commands on other admins, unless you're staff and up that is.




inb4 obsessive players who only play for rank lmao

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t lives, new order preceeds the old one. derp admins that want to have a higher kdr in jb will do dumb shit like this. old motd said not to nitpick, it goes both ways. cts don't nitpick the order to find ways to get free kills. NEWS FLASH KDR IN JB DOESN'T MATTER.





I always thought that admins should set the example and slay themselves for FK's.

Edited by lolitsjack
Posted this after another post derp
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I would like to see a staff member post this just to be sure, saying the T should live that is.


Also, I mean these admins are derping, I would not like to name them, but I mean, what can we do about this? Abuse reports seems like overkill, but really, what should we do? I don't want to start a huge raging admin flame war, I have been in many and they are not pretty and you all know this too.

Edited by lolitsjack
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Also, I mean these admins are derping, I would not like to name them, but I mean, what can we do about this? Abuse reports seems like overkill, but really, what should we do? I don't want to start a huge raging admin flame war, I have been in many and they are not pretty and you all know this too.


The only thing you can do is either get a staff member in-game to resolve any problems or get proof of admin wrong-doing and post an abuse report, as you can't use admin commands on other admins under any circumstances.


Or you could just turn a blind eye and put up with the admin abuse :/

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So let me get this right.....someone says all t's freeze I'm moving around and not being frozen. Then lead tells me something else and I can't be killed. So according to this logic, I could run to pool wait half the round and when a new order was given come back and not be killed....so there is no such things as doing wrong orders if you are hidden. Man jailbreak has changed.

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So let me get this right.....someone says all t's freeze I'm moving around and not being frozen. Then lead tells me something else and I can't be killed. So according to this logic, I could run to pool wait half the round and when a new order was given come back and not be killed....so there is no such things as doing wrong orders if you are hidden. Man jailbreak has changed.


This is kind of taking it to the extreme, but Awwik has a good point. Any T in the example above would certainly get shot by me.

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So let me get this right.....someone says all t's freeze I'm moving around and not being frozen. Then lead tells me something else and I can't be killed. So according to this logic, I could run to pool wait half the round and when a new order was given come back and not be killed....so there is no such things as doing wrong orders if you are hidden. Man jailbreak has changed.


My answer... to all qqing. If you're telling me ANY new order makes any previous order moot, then I guess hiding in your cell when I say run to the bottom of cell stairs, then running out during my opinionated day is cool... right? No... not right. Nowhere in the MOTD has it ever said new orders negate old ones, and it wouldn't make sense for it to.


Here's Jailbreak in an easy to understand foolproof nutshell.

Follow orders, don't get shot.

Ignore orders, get shot.


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Another problem that can be easily resolved as long as people don't act like douchebags...


If a guy was missing half of the round, kill him. If he fucked up one crouch order and you see him lined up on top of big cage 2 minutes later, don't say "oh i remember him he fucked up the order" and kill him, that's retarded


Problem solved

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I'm getting tired of having to do this, but derp admins are ganna derp and fk and say its not because of loopholes in the rules and cry about it and say they are not fking.


When an order is given to freeze, and you are in VIP as T, and you are running around in VIP and then run into a spot in VIP where you cant be shot and survive. Then lead says all T's run to bottem of cell stairs and freeze upon arrival. Should the T that was moving around be killed? A new order was given, and no order was given to kill the T that was moving.


What should be done here? T dies or lives?


The rare occasion i hop on Jb i always have a demo playing. I stop it and record a new one each round. After you're finished playing delete the worthless demos. In that case if an admin(or anyone for that matter) is breaking a rule you can take it up with them in private chat with evidence.

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Yeah why would you ever let the t live, he could be sitting in the corner waiting to rebel and then realized you saw him go in the corner, so he tries to act like he's following orders now.

Sorry that doesent work,

Rebelling is rebelling, if you dont follow orders, then you are rebelling.


Also if you are so bad that you dont know how to get in the stack when the ts leave vip to go to the bottom of cell stairs( example you are in the corner and everyone else is on the back bunk. Just wait till they get to the door when they are crouching to the bottom of cell stairs, then jump in the stack) then you deserve to die.

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Another problem that can be easily resolved as long as people don't act like douchebags...


If a guy was missing half of the round, kill him. If he fucked up one crouch order and you see him lined up on top of big cage 2 minutes later, don't say "oh i remember him he fucked up the order" and kill him, that's retarded


Problem solved


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