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Abuse report, HG | Hippie


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1. Abuser name: HG | Hippie [buffer overflow]

2. Their Steam Id: not sure, seen multiple people with hippie as name so dont want to put one.

3. What server: JB, and steam chat

4. About what time: late 3-4am 6/17/2011

5. PROOF: Screen shots are in order so click on after another. First 2 are me telling him to slay him self after he fk'ed and him refusing, and he admits to FK'ing based on the rules.




After I choose to not respond



Admins having to slay him because he FK's more people, and he still says he didn't.



6. Please tell us about the incident: All things start small and snowball. I originally did not want to post this because I am a lazy shit, but after chatting in steam I think it needs to be done. I posted a question about some unclear rules to just know for sure, because hey, I could be wrong.


But it turns out I was right. I do not have a demo for this, but I have plenty of screens that show clearly what happened.

All of that is under nitpicking I guess, but below is what i just found wrong.


HG Blu informed me that he wanted to talk to me so I said sure, I would not mind. Expecting to get a conversation on server rules and talking about how they work, i get this instead...


LINK to photo: http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww128/thepwnzor1337/hippiwtf.png



The main reason I bought premium is because I like you guy's servers and they are fun, and I didn't want to have to deal with derp FK'ing or breaking the rules. But when other admins do this, things are not as fun as they should be.

Edited by lolitsjack
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Admin powers were not used at any time.

This is kind of, and admin abuse section.


I told you that if you wanna try to jump around in cells and get away with it when lead tells you to freeze, then you shouldn't wear an admin suit and hat cause it makes it obvious that you were the one not freezing when the freeze order was given, and you deserve to die for not following the orders. There's no loophole there, that's just you nitpicking.


your second SS shows me killing a rebel for knifing a baiter. He was red (obviously) but by the time I killed him the red wore off? Does this mean he is no longer a rebel? The motd clearly states that you knife baiters are your own risk. That guy knifed a baiter and I killed him. Then I was slayed, so other actions were taken and that situation with the other admin that freeslayed me has been dealt with, therefore rendering that SS useless and without relevance to this report.


How an admin abuse report can come up against me over one kill is beyond me. But at the same time I'm not surprised at all.

You decided to make some threats to remove my admin over 1 kill. that's when I decided to have a chat with you in steam.

You got called a pussy in steam chat as the screenshot shows. I'm not going to apologize for calling you this as I believe you are one. So deal with it. I refuse to give admins favoritism for being admins. Play the game and try to get away with whatever you want during the game, but don't post an abuse report on me when I kill you for fucking up. It's not a freekill when you aren't following the orders and want to use being an admin to discourage cts from killing you.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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There's no loophole there, that's just you nitpicking.

https://hellsgamers.com/threads/47832-Another-loophole (You shot me while all T's were given and order)

But thats not the point.



I guess I should of but this under ban reports instead. Because getting punished for 1 FK is very stupid and should not even be posted.

But this is just wtf?


LINK to photo: http://i712.photobucket.com/albums/ww128/thepwnzor1337/hippiwtf.png


"Fuck your mom"? where the hell did that come from?

Edited by lolitsjack
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I didn't say that to you in an HG server, its steam chat, not our servers, and not applicable to be punished for by being banned from HG servers. Maybe you can make a report with steam and get me banned from steam instead.

And that's what you get for making empty threats about talking my admin away and such when I wasn't even using admin, buddy.

If you can't deal with someone saying "fuck ya mom" then you need to shut down your pc and never turn it on again. Stay off the internet because you are a very sensitive person and I'm afraid you may attempt suicide if anyone might say anything worse than that to you on the INTERNET.



is this going anywhere? You wanna stop going back and forth and wait for someone else to review this?

That would be cool.

Edited by Never trust a hippie
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Fine and all still. At least I still said my point for the reason I made this post


But isn't being an admin and not slaying yourself for FK'ing abuse?

I mean if I starting FK'ing, and I just said I'm not and refuse to slay myself; and since admins are not supposed to slay other admins, that is basically abuse imo. I guess that is why I posted this thread in abuse reports.

I mean shit, even if you did FK, and you openly admited it, nothing would happen even if it was me.

I said before I come to HG server to have fun, not told to go fuck my mom in steam messages from members of HG. <--- this being the point.

That aside, lighten up man.

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I'm actually not the one who blew this out of proportion. If you hadn't been making threats to remove my admin, saying: I have tons of proof bla bla bla. then I wouldn't have raged at you in steam.

I'm fine with dropping this. chilling. all that. This is a hot mess of a thread. And If we could come to some mutual conclusion to get along or at least leave each other alone in the server then I'm 100% for it.

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The proof for the admin abuse is not that good. He never used his admin on this thread. So he isn't abusing his admin.


I didn't say that to you in an HG server, its steam chat, not our servers, and not applicable to be punished for by being banned from HG servers. Maybe you can make a report with steam and get me banned from steam instead.

And that's what you get for making empty threats about talking my admin away and such when I wasn't even using admin, buddy.

If you can't deal with someone saying "fuck ya mom" then you need to shut down your pc and never turn it on again. Stay off the internet because you are a very sensitive person and I'm afraid you may attempt suicide if anyone might say anything worse than that to you on the INTERNET.


is this going anywhere? You wanna stop going back and forth and wait for someone else to review this?

That would be cool.


This is unbelievable, you have no right to just insult someone who said nothing to you. So what if someone say they are going to get your admin removed. The only reason why you should become upset at all if you know you abused and are scared of losing admin. You have made the HG | tag look bad. Take a chill pill and learn from this. I don't care what happen, you should not disrespect other people when they do nothing to start it. You already had a abuse report that was clearly abuse. Keep it up and your admin and HG status will be at risk.

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