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APB Symbol thread.


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For those of you who played APB, you should be aware that you are able to make your own symbol. So let's share some symbols that we've made. Here's mine:




As you can see my symbol is on the left and the shapes I used on the right. I've only unlocked a few symbols other than the default ones.


If you are unfamiliar on how to create your own symbol here's what you do. When asked to join a district, join the social district, there you will find the following stations:



-Symbol designer

-Music maker (That plays when you kill people)

-Car customization

-Character wardrobe


The colour of the text match the colour of the screens for each station.

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Sick symbol.... I don't have one to show unfortunately.


It took me 33 minutes to create because I could only use the default shapes and 3 other unlocked shapes. So I had to manipulate the shapes used on the right to create the base for which the lizard is on.

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