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My computer was destroyed by an virus(Acctually destroyed 'till u cant do nothing so im using my bro's pc now because he's at the army now..)

and my computer worked REALLY REALLY SLOW!! i mean on gmod on the lowest graphic settings it would have like 20-30 FPS and lots of FPS drops like every2 seconds.. And like lots of Freezes.. and my Ping was fine.. like 120-140MS..


and the loading time untill i could get in the server was about 15 minutes..


Soo.. im upgrading my PC Processor and RAM.. tell me if the new system would work out so i have less loading time and higher FPS..


Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66Ghz(its a quad core i think)

Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 9500GT 1gb ram

Mother-board:I dont really know it just supports Quad core and Duo core.. Not i5 and shitz like that

and finally.. RAM:2gb.. couldnt get 4gb.. maybe laters.


P.S: Forgot to Mention that im going to Format and upgrade my OLD PC, the one got destroyed by the virus, because he had already 1GB ram, and the 9500GT Video card.. And buying new Video card and stuff cost more money and take more time..


P.P.S: When i said Destroyed.. I didnt mean EXPLODED(even though it could be really cool..) i meant like that loading windows would take forever..disables my network so i cant find any antivirus programm and stuff..


P.P.P.S: Windows system is windows XP :D

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I only have like maximum 250-300$ for this.. and dont blame me for bad grammer because I useally dont speak english.. like its not my daily language.. so.. Ya.. and about the Windows XP... I want windows XP because it takes less RAM..

when i had Windows 7...(I did have before on a 2GB ram PC) it took nearly 1GB ram of my PC... And.. Ill probally Want the RAM.. instead of the system taking most of it

and as I said.. I got only 250$-300$ Budget.. So I rather throw stuff into my old PC rather then buying a new one by adding another 300$.. Because I dont have that amount now.


P.S: O.O Jeremy.. I got only 3 words for you..


I found the same proccessor i wanted to buy for 250$ on the store for 181$!!! SWEET!!

I think that if ill buy this one i could also buy RAM!!!

and still.. Not buying new PC..


P.P.S: No I couldn't.. I didn't know what to do.. I'm not really "PRO" at getting rid of Viruses.. I had like 3 Anti-viruses and then one day i had this pop-up near the icons where u see the time.. it said "Windows Firewall is Disabled,You are not protected,Press here to Reactivate windows firewall"

I pressed it and then i went to Control panel to see if its actually activated but it wasn't.. so i Manually tried to activate it.. It got frozen(just the window of the firewall) after a while it came back and just didn't respond.. The firewall couldn't be turned on.. So i couldn't do nothing

then when i tried to connect to the internet it said Wrong Address/No connection or somthing like that which says when u have no internet connected.

Edited by HeyAlex
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*Come back with correct grammar.


The kid's 14. Ease up a bit on him.




I would really recommend Crosshair's suggestion of a pre-built computer. You can usually get pretty good package deals sometimes on those, just shop around a bit. Definitely get Windows 7 instead of XP. Your computer build up there is pretty lacking and outdated. I would recommend 4gb of RAM at a bare minimum. It is really so cheap nowadays there is no excuse. Just make sure you have the 64 bit version of Windows 7 or your computer won't recognize more than 3gb.


I understand you are young and don't really have any money, but there is no way I can recommend any computer build for your budget. Mow some lawns or something and save up a bit more cash for a better machine.

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My computer was destroyed by an virus(Acctually destroyed 'till u cant do nothing so im using my bro's pc now because he's at the army now..)

and my computer worked REALLY REALLY SLOW!! i mean on gmod on the lowest graphic settings it would have like 20-30 FPS and lots of FPS drops like every2 seconds.. And like lots of Freezes.. and my Ping was fine.. like 120-140MS..


and the loading time untill i could get in the server was about 15 minutes..


Soo.. im upgrading my PC Processor and RAM.. tell me if the new system would work out so i have less loading time and higher FPS..


Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66Ghz(its a quad core i think)

Video Card: Nvidia Geforce 9500GT 1gb ram

Mother-board:I dont really know it just supports Quad core and Duo core.. Not i5 and shitz like that

and finally.. RAM:2gb.. couldnt get 4gb.. maybe laters.


P.S: Forgot to Mention that im going to Format and upgrade my OLD PC, the one got destroyed by the virus, because he had already 1GB ram, and the 9500GT Video card.. And buying new Video card and stuff cost more money and take more time..


P.P.S: When i said Destroyed.. I didnt mean EXPLODED(even though it could be really cool..) i meant like that loading windows would take forever..disables my network so i cant find any antivirus programm and stuff..


P.P.P.S: Windows system is windows XP :D


Windows XP is fine. I need to know EXACTLY what you have now to make a proper recommendation on an upgrade path for you.


What is the current model of your CPU,motherboard, power supply and hard drive. Is it a prebuilt system like an HP or Dell?


*Come back with correct grammar.


Get a windows 7 computer, problem solved, don't waste your time putting new stuff on old shit.

Get out of the windows XP bubble.

Is there a price range for you?


Calm down there big boy.


Windows XP might as well be stone age now bro, pretty soon games will probably stop supporting it.

I recommend just saving money, because putting new things on old shit - it's just going to break again.



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Windows XP is fine. I need to know EXACTLY what you have now to make a proper recommendation on an upgrade path for you.


What is the current model of your CPU,motherboard, power supply and hard drive. Is it a prebuilt system like an HP or Dell?




Calm down there big boy.






Fair enough, trust Terry ^_^

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@Terry, what do u know about computers? Your only an upper staff of one of the biggest multi-game communities on the internet.

Listen to me. Buy a $5000 Mac, that can't play shit, and then rage quit.



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Just an quick update..


Bought a New Motherboard.. the same processor i wanted.. Formatting to Windows 7 and getting 4GB RAM..


Maybe next year ill buy an better video card.. But for now.. it will do.. Tommorow im getting my PC back :D



Edit: This is the Mother Board: Gigabyte GA-MA74GMT-S2

This is the RAM:Kingston 4GB DDR3 1333

This is The Processor:Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q8400

(4M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)

P.S: Yes im copy&pasting stuff :3


And umm question.... Why do people need so much RAM?? i mean.. I only need like maximum 2GB..

1GB for GMOD and 1GB for Windows.. Why the hell the Extra 2?? what use can i have with them!?

Edited by HeyAlex
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@Terry, what do u know about computers? Your only an upper staff of one of the biggest multi-game communities on the internet.

Listen to me. Buy a $5000 Mac, that can't play shit, and then rage quit.




Just an quick update..


Bought a New Motherboard.. the same processor i wanted.. Formatting to Windows 7 and getting 4GB RAM..


Maybe next year ill buy an better video card.. But for now.. it will do.. Tommorow im getting my PC back :D



Edit: This is the Mother Board: Gigabyte GA-MA74GMT-S2

This is the RAM:Kingston 4GB DDR3 1333

This is The Processor:Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q8400

(4M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB)

P.S: Yes im copy&pasting stuff :3


And umm question.... Why do people need so much RAM?? i mean.. I only need like maximum 2GB..

1GB for GMOD and 1GB for Windows.. Why the hell the Extra 2?? what use can i have with them!?


When you run out of ram, your computer uses your hard drive for memory. It is extremely slow, that is why you want free ram.

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And umm question.... Why do people need so much RAM?? i mean.. I only need like maximum 2GB..

1GB for GMOD and 1GB for Windows.. Why the hell the Extra 2?? what use can i have with them!?


First of all, I'm glad to see you got Windows 7 and 4GB of ram.

My reasoning for needing so much ram is that I've always been of the mindset that the slowest part of a computer should be the user. If I'm having to wait around on my computer to do a task, then something isn't right.


With the way operating systems use resources, it seems like nowadays 2GB of ram is the bare minimum just for the computer to function.

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Guest The_Monkey
*Come back with correct grammar.


Come back with correct computer intelligence.


BTW English as a second language speakers get a fucking free pass you fucking ass hat. I hope you try to start learning some other language, and post on some stupid forum about some stupid problem, and some stupid twerp like you comes in and shits on your fucking stupid parade.

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