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1. Abuser name: Angel Descends

2. Their Steam Id: Unknown, look it up if you please.

3. What server: JailBreak

4. About what time: 10:53 PST





6. Please tell us about the incident: He seems to like kicking people, as he did to ROM3O, for reasons as petty as 'He wouldn't give me his fourm name.' Then, when I point out to him he shouldn't be kicking people for that, he turn around and kicks me. I come back and tell him that he seems to have missed the whole 'warn' step in the process, for which he bans me.

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From the start.


I noticed that [HG]R0M30 ^.^ Peace&&Love<3 didn't have a space between his tag and the name so I started to dig around to find out whether he's in HG or not. I copied his Steam ID from status and did a search for it on the roster and nothing came up.


So in normal chat I asked him to give me his forum name, my reason was to see if he really was in HG although I didn't explain this to him as I didn't need to. I asked him several times then in normal chat I warned him to answer me or he would be kicked.


He didn't answer so I kicked him. I got a guy banned the other day because of this exact same reason so I didn't want to ban R0M30 incase I was wrong.


He came back and said why did I get kicked and I explained to him. He said he was in console (no idea what he meant by that) and said sorry, so then I asked him again in normal chat what his forum name was. He asked me why I wanted it and I chose not to explain to him because I thought that if I did he would disconnect in fear of knowing that I new he wasn't in HG so he wouldn't get banned.


I then proceeded to ask him in Admin ALL chat as I had to kill myself because I wouldn't be able to follow orders and get the information off him at the same time. Admins can use ALL chat in relation to admin related affairs (which was my reason for using it), giving warnings, explaining rules, etc.


Now in the middle of all of this you proceeded to tell me how to be an admin and to learn the rules of ALL admin chat. I told you to stay out of it. You then told me to use PM and disrespected me by calling me a smartass.


I kicked you for ignoring admin ie: "stay the fuck out of admin affairs" is why I kicked you.


You come back and say (TO ADMINS) Amokov: You should really learn to warn before I post an aboose report, bro.

I then say (ALL) [HG] Angel Descends: i did warn him so stfu, it doesnt concern you. <- That's the warning I gave you before the ban.


You then disrespect me by calling me a smartass and a badmin while still trying to tell me the rules, so I banned you for an hour for "ignoring admin".


You didn't mind your own business and then disrespected me. What was going on between R0M30 and me was was none of your business.


HG | Linoleum Knive [P2 Douche] also was telling me to stop using ALL chat so I explained what was going on to him on Steam chat as he didn't know what was fully going on at the time.


I wasn't able to give you "nice" warnings as I was talking to HG | Conan on Steam as well. He found me R0M30's forum profile link even thought R0M30 ended up giving his forum name to me. I find it strange though that his Steam ID doesn't appear on his forum profile, which is why I didn't get a match with his Steam ID on the roster.


Relevant Screenshots:


1, 2, 3


That's as many screenshots as I could get as my console wouldn't allow me to go back any further.


How about next time, you mind your own business, stay out of admin affairs which don't concern you, and don't tell admins rules and commands they already know?

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First off , "sm_psay Sends a private chat message to a single target." taken from the admin rules. re-read it. Both of you need to show a little more respect towards each other, fighting back and forth in the server using all chat or w.e is annoying to other players and theres no need for it. On the other side, people shouldn't be sticking their nose where it doesn't belong unless they're involved. both of you need to chill out. Follow warn, kick, ban. Use psay command if your trying to talk to one person..

simple version

Amokov - mind your business if it doesn't involve you.

Angel - re-read the admin rules for the commands and don't spam all chat. follow warn, kick, ban.

Both of you lose the attitude and just have fun.

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I did warn R0M3O before I kicked him, but I'll admit I didn't warn you before I kicked you, I just got too caught up in what was going on at the time so I'm sorry about that.


I know that @@ sends a message to one person but I thought ALL chat was warranted at the time, but I guess I was wrong :/

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