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CS:S Achievements Problem with SourceScheme.res


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Ok, so just recently I've been editing 3 files to do with the CS:S Menu -> GameMenu.res, ClientScheme.res and SourceScheme.res.


I went searching through Google for hours on end to find the tutorials and info that I needed to get what I wanted for my CS:S menu.


I extracted each original file using a program called GCFScape from several .gcf files, which allows you to open .gcf files and extract the content from them. I then edited certain parts of the files according the the tuts I found.


I ended up with this these results: Main Menu and In-Game Menu


Exactly the way I wanted it.


The only problem is there are some very annoying problems when I go into my Achievements:


-Page 1

-Page 2

-Page 3

-Page 4


Missing text in a lot of areas and red backgrounds.


So I messed around with the files trying to find out what the problem is and it turns out it's the SourceScheme.res. So I rename my edited version and put the original in the directory. All 3 files are in Steam\steamapps\youraccountname\counter-strike source\cstrike\resource btw.


I got the original file extracting it from the source engine.gcf file (then navigate to root\hl2\resource inside of GCFScape) and put it in Steam\steamapps\youraccountname\counter-strike source\cstrike\resource where my edited version was.


And still no difference, even though CS:S uses this file from source engine.gcf if it's not in the above directory by default :/


I've looked all over Google and I can't seem to find an answer so if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated.

Edited by Artillery
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After deciding to search Google for a bit longer I discovered the SourceScheme.res that I extracted from source engine.gcf was actually bugged, and the fixed version is actually in multiplayer ob binaries.gcf in root\hl2\resource using GCFScape :/


I edited the fixed version and there are no problems with the in-game Achievements now :D




Source: http://forums.steamgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1432067


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