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Was it a good decison to give Team Fortress 2 for free ?

Dragons back

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Put your opinion.

It is good and bad.


It is good because now people dont have to buy it, (for those who are poor)

It is bad because there will be a lot of noobs playing it, and it willl take them A long to time to understand the game because it has been updated a lot.


So i am 40%happy

and 60% sad

what do you guys think?

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ikc. The way I see it is:


-More people playing, therefor more servers.

-There are always going to be noobs in games, period.


Ultimately, the players are coming off a lot better than the company.

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tru, but tf2 will soon be no more. If anyone devs, one would see that the Havoc phys engine in portal 2 will replace the source engine. so, we can conclude that tf3 will soon release, with new storyline and characters. ultimately, css, gmod, and dods will also get new versions, rather than ports of an old game. tf3, csh(counterstrike havoc), Gmod 2, and dods 2 will all get released soon. in addition, the souce sdk is already obsolete, and valve is pushing havoc out with portal 2. the havoc editor is much easier to use, less buggy, and lose to a successful mac and linux port, which never happened to hammer.

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Q. What do I get if I paid for the game?

To thank you for your years of support, we will be giving players who have purchased TF2 a special Proof of Purchase hat to wear on any character in-game.


Q. Won’t going Free to Play mean more griefers and cheaters?

We’re increasing our focus on making sure that hostile players can’t ruin your fun. Specifically, we’ll be keeping a close eye on players exploiting the ability to make infinite free accounts to bypass bans. We’ve built systems that’ll allow us to measure and track what these players are doing, and respond quickly.

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WEll, i agreee but still if they gonna make a Tf3 they should announce it, A lot of people will be hacking right now if i want to make another account i could get hella games for free.

You could Make an account , put all the games possible on there(that are free) and sell it to someone.....

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  Dragons back said:
WEll, i agreee but still if they gonna make a Tf3 they should announce it, A lot of people will be hacking right now if i want to make another account i could get hella games for free.

You could Make an account , put all the games possible on there(that are free) and sell it to someone.....


but valve can't count to free.

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