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What do you guys think of TF2 becoming free to play?


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I think this can go both ways. I think it is great because I can play with my friends since it's free and my friends are cheap :sick: lol.

I think it is also bad because I feel like this can REALLY increase the amount of little kids playing and I have seen some pretty "Nooby" teammates (once I saw an engineer make a dispenser, a sentry, a teleporter entrance, and a teleporter exit all in front of our spawn)


What do you guys think?

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They made it free, because then all the new noobs pour in, see all the guns they can collect, rage because poeple are killing with weapons they can't get, buy the super weapon pack, still be noobish, but with their money now being owned by valve, and some weapons they can't use wthout skillz...as my dad sais all the time...the world revolves around money...althoght I always tell him otherwise, I do beleive that companies will do anything to get the most money possible. Welcome to the world of money...


There's my 5 cents worth...wait nvm...im not giving you any of my money ;)

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To me, TF2 being free to play means more new players to frag, yet more new players that you have to work with. And with the huge influx of new players the servers that I play on are almost always full. It comes down to two basic things, I'm not sorry I bought it, and I'm glad Valve did it. The new players will be jealous, at least hopefully they will, and buy the weapons from the Mann Co. Store, giving Valve more money to make Episode 3 or Half Life 3, Which ever comes first, and it gives them money to continue the massive free updates they give out for their games.

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