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Star Wars


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After watching all 6 of the episodes(again), i really thought about how much Star Wars is an amazing trilogy. Besides the ending to Episode 3(which gets me so angry), i really engoy the series.


How bout you guys? What do you think of it. Post your thoughts(no trolls) here.:pepper:

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Episode 2 i liked, episode 1 was ehh.. 3-6 were amazing.




^imagine if that did happen.




"The "clones" were artificially grown Jedi, and Obi-Wan was one of them -- thus the clone designation "OB-1."

Picture this: Millions of cloned Jedi Knights battling across planets and spaceships in a badass whirlwind of laser-force space death. A "star war," if you will. It makes sense: If you had to clone someone to create an army of warriors, a powerful Jedi would be the most logical choice."

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Ep1: Good except for JarJar.....fucking worst comic relief ever

Ep2: If a shit took a shit, and that shit took another shit and that shit threw up, and that throw up took a shit, that would be episode 2

Ep3: Good story, CGI, ect. bad script for Anakin and Padme

Ep4: Amazing

Ep5: Amazing

Ep6: It's a trap (also amazing)


Strange how the original were so much better. Guess Lucas was not such a stuck up money whore then.

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