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I wish.


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I wish the respond time on the TF2 servers was a bit quicker, specially on the standard map servers, like the dustbowl, well, 2fort servers. I might be by my self on this wish but maybe not. maybe we could do a poll or something to see. Thanks for reading. If this is stupid forget I mentioned it.

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No, I agree with mrair, not a stupid post however, if you feel something you should voice your opinions! And the respawn times make sure that the people let's say on a cart mission can actually get it into the last spawn bomb site and so the other team actually has a chance of taking ground

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Everything is fine in the tf2 servers


That is up to interperetation. I ffor one, wnat the fake playercount turned OFF. No Bots. and I want there to be a 24 max players rather than spamfests 16v16

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