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Computer question not a game question


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When switching from TF2 to CSS my FPS is cut in half. I'm not sure why. I've tried ending the process tree for steam and hl2.exe and restarting css but that doesn't work. I have to restart my pc then go to CSS to fix it.

Anyone have a clue what going on or have noticed this issue. I have a Nvidia GeForce GTS 250 vcard.


If this is a gaming topic, I apologize for posting in the wrong forum.

Edited by MacDaddy
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I'm not too sure, but you can certainly try the following (because I don't know what your specific issue is):


1. If it's an isolated case with only CSS and no other games, then try deleting your entire CSS folder in Steam on your computer. Then run a registry cleaner and clear it's keys from you computer so it's a completely fresh install. Re-install and hope for the best?


Hope I can help,



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