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Unban Request: `KAW` NICK RU$ #antik

Nick Russ

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1. Your in-game name: `KAW` NICK RU$ #antik

2. Server that you where banned on: JAILBREAK #1 Hellsgamers.com

3. The Banning admin: Lucy

4. Your Steam-Id: STEAM_0:1:15216953

5. Reason for ban: No idea



I was in the jailbreak #1 server on the Terrorists team and from nowhere i was banned permanently for absolutely nothing. I have no clue what the reason for the ban was. I didn't spam, I didn't insult or disrespect admins, I didn't freekill (Only played on T's anyway) so i have no clue what it was for. I'd really appreciate an Unban because i really like this server and i'm a regular on it and want to continue playing on it.


Thanks. STEAM_0:1:15216953

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a couple days back alot of people with the name KAW in it was mic spaming and they never went on CT so they wernt freekilling or anyhting they were just screaming KAW KAW KAW when they were attacking a ct so maybe thats the reson he got banned

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I dont know if its considered mic spam but everytime i attack a CT i scream KAWWWWWWW. Please at least change the ban time to a few days, just not permanent. Sorry for any trouble i just dont think a perma ban is neccesary

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I dont know if its considered mic spam but everytime i attack a CT i scream KAWWWWWWW. Please at least change the ban time to a few days, just not permanent. Sorry for any trouble i just dont think a perma ban is neccesary




considered mic spam but everytime i attack a CT i scream KAWWWWWWW.


i scream KAWWWWWWW.



i scream



ice cream


No, but seriously. When we find a whole clan being douchebags on the server we usually just cut our losses and remove them all. And why the fuck do you think screaming into the mic when you're a T (or at all really) would be appropriate?

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I scream KAW for like 3 seconds and that's it. Besides it's my war cry. And `KAW` is not a clan, its just that whenever i do that (Scream KAWWW before i attack) people start copying me and putting KAW in their names and KAWing. Overall, I really like the server and dont want to be permabanned, i think thats kinda extreme.

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I did it... it was ma_ban 0 "kaw"


they were all being fucktards, disrespectful and spamming on the mic, that server is stupid enough without morons coming in there and purposely being reatarded.

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OK im sorry i wont scream KAWWWWW before i attack CTs anymore. Sorry for the trouble, but permabanned for screaming kaw for 2-3 seconds? Come on... a ban fine but at least not perm...


Well, I've muted them multiple times and even kicked and temporarily banned a couple myself. Let's not make this sound like it was a big misunderstaning.


They just don't care.

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