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Unicorn dude check it.


I don't know shit about you, your personal life, or this girl. Whatever it doesn't matter. What does matter is are you willing to give up a potential relationship with this girl and, more likely than not, valuable life lessons for video games? If your age shit is correct you are 14. This is a critical age that will define who you are in years to come. Will you be "The Ladies man", "The Lvl 13 Knight Elf Mohawk with Lvl 3 Dick of Infinite", or "fa****y Jailbreak kid"? Only you can choose the right path. Also these are the only 3 paths you can pick from, so choose wisely.

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Relationships are terrible. Unfortunately, they're necessary for you to develop as a human being. It's a conundrum, isn't it?


On the flip side, a little less time on the computer never killed anyone. I mean, it ALMOST killed me, but I'm still posting, ne?

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My girl friend let's me play games and if she didn't we would not be together. She understand that video games are a part of me just like I understand that she wants sometime alone too. Checks and balances my friends thats what works. Never change who you are for a girl because then you lose something way more important than a girl, you lose yourself.
That's so cute I vomited rainbows.
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