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lol what Banned another Admin


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1. Abuser name: Jaykay

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:26897081

3. What server: Gmod DarkRP

4. About what time: 10:40pm EST

5. PROOF: SourceBans View

6. Please tell us about the incident: He said "It is my business" when clearly it was not, I am an admin on this server, I clearly understand the rule of Prop block quite clearly, this tactic for my base I've used many times for both being a Gun Dealer and a Thief.


He assumed I was prop blocking when he didn't even bother to look for the entrances of my bases, inturns he banned me for prop blocking, as I was trying to find out who he was because he somehow had the power to no clip, he did not have a shield next to his name with a (+) sign on it.

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well yes i did look at it and i even asked you how to get in in which you tele to yourself to get across the map 1. which is abuse yourself 2 i spected you to see how you got in and all u did was no collided the door and walk in.


so if you do see a admin that is asking you how to get in do NOT say none of your business and tele away from me, also here are the ss of ur abuse to get around the map http://tinypic.com/r/2pytl54/7



also 1 more thing it was a 25min ban that i even unbanned you after talking to you in ts

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"He said "It is my business" when clearly it was not, "


when all i asked was how and you say it none of you business i think it is. idc if your a admin or not im still going to check your stuff if it looks blocked to me im not just going to fly off just cause ur a admin.

i have seen tons of admins who do it. i



its not like im going to rob you i dont even play rp much i just look around and see if everything is going ok

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well yes i did look at it and i even asked you how to get in in which you tele to yourself to get across the map 1. which is abuse yourself 2 i spected you to see how you got in and all u did was no collided the door and walk in.


so if you do see a admin that is asking you how to get in do NOT say none of your business and tele away from me, also here are the ss of ur abuse to get around the map http://tinypic.com/r/2pytl54/7


That pic says to me, I teleported, why did I teleport, where did I teleport too... You are giving excuses with no real proof... And 2nd off don't ban another admin, clearly stated in the MOTDs and Admin Rules... You may have respected and trusted but apparently you don't follow the admin rules which is the biggest thing about being an admin.




You went straight for ban skipping warn and kick... Unlike you I checked to see who you were.

I don't need to use that entrance... I can no collide through the doors whats the point of making a complex entrance for myself...

Yes talked to me, I stated it wasn't prop blocked, you said it was... Don't assume shit because in the end it makes you look bad.


Instead you banned me, see what assuming gets you into...


Maybe instead of banning you should have looked harder, I even told you where it was.

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we have had trouble in the past with admins !tele to them self to get inside ppls houses or to just get around it has also been said not to do it.


and for the whole admin thing just b/c your a admin dont mean im not going to treat u just like any other player on our servers if i feel you are doing something wrong i am going to ban you, and when i could not find a way in and you would not tell me i saw a problem. We all know RP is chaos in the 1st place so we dont need you in there making it harder


again like i said it was a 25min ban that i unbanned you after i talked to you in ts.

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kk im a admin im going to go in our servers and break rules while im at it ill get a aimbot to




That doesn't even make sense... You aren't staff you can't just go in an ban another admin, that has been stated so many times, has that gotten through yet?


Its called abuse report.


also whats the diff from me banning a member from a server or when u post a ban report on 1 and me banning him from the web


WTB Translator!

That isn't even the point of this whole report... The point is you banned another admin... As you said "ADMIN DOES NOT MAKE YOU GOD" why are you stating something that just makes it look bad on you... Because you just played god by banning another admin, thats power over guests, and normal admins.

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First of all, I believe that we should all relax here, attacking each other really isn't necessary. As for you Jason, as far as I know, if you're going to ban another admin you are required to ask someone else first (Staff/Council).


So far, you haven't provided any evidence of this regardless of him supposedly "prop blocking"

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Well if someone is asking you how do you get in, or anything about how to get in your place, don't be a fucking prick and say it's none of your business. Especially if he is an admin and it can pertain to him if he would like. Why wouldn't it be his business? And second of all, I would of done the same damn thing if you told me the same shit instead of just being cooperative.

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Art and Beast pretty much summed it up. Admins shouldn't be messing with other Admins. And if an admin ask to see how you get in your base don't be an ass about it. Just show them and move on.


As far as the teleporting thing goes, it could be for a number of reasons why, and that screen shot only shows him only doing it once.


You both are members of HG we shouldn't be having problems like this.

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