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Abuse Report: Pipliest and Mark teh Kat

Solid Snake

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1. Abuser name(s): Pilpest/Mark teh Kat


2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:0:41067589(Pipliest)/STEAM_0:0:23484403(Mark)


3. What server: DarkRP


4. About what time: 4:00 PM EST


5. PROOF:http://i.imgur.com/97aem.jpg



http://pastebin.com/ywkLDszA <-- Have someone with log access, such as SuperSkreech, verify that these logs were not fabricated and that they are the REAL logs.


6. Please tell us about the incident: I was playing on the server, and General Red had a shop. A cop (dearcatfoot) was propclimbing up to a door in the window. I decided, hey, why not, I'll have some fun and probably get kicked. I walked up the ramp that the cop made, proceeded to lockpick the door, and opened it. A SWAT jumped through the window and when I tried to do so, I fell. The ramp made by the CP disappeared, and I fell. I was then kicked for prop climb. I was well aware that I would probably get kicked, so i didn't mind at all. In fact, it was right of him to do so. I wasn't warned though, which was odd. I rejoined, became Mob Boss, and started moving. Within 30 seconds, I was immediately banned for 30 minutes. I'm well aware that I am supposed to be warned, then kicked, then banned. I wasn't warned, got kicked, and then got banned even though I never prop climbed upon rejoining. Note, I was not warned for the kick, nor the ban (which I did not deserve in the first place.). Also, Pilpest goes by the name of General Blue in the console.


Also, Mark teh Kat claimed to have warned me before. He said that I was RDMing people, when I never killed a single person during that session. When someone else went through the log there was nothing about me killing anyone, let alone RDMing. When called out on this, he simply stated "good for you" (as seen in screenshot #3.).


I'm well aware that no action will be taken against this sort of thing, as usual, but I thought it would be good to let the staff know.

This sort of thing happens pretty often regarding the admins of the server, you know.


I am also requesting that neither of the accused post in this thread. If anything, you would bias whoever reviews this. The proof is in the console. It can be checked, and it will say for you anything worth saying.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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Havent looked through proof But i know I caught someone prop climbing into my base. Gravity kitteh saw. And I know it was someone I had warned and kicked multiple times.


:/ Dunno verification of story but this sort of minging happens all the time from people THAT KNOW the rules you shouldnt just be "ohh ill just get kicked" because if you know the rules theres NO REASON to break them.


Edited for bad gramz

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I banned him for prop climbing, I kicked him first then banned him after that for prop climbing, I had to kick him because he somehow manage to get in our base, it is impossible only prop climbing could get him into the base, I knew this because he came from the top, I kicked him for prop climbing, then banned him later after I saw how he got in.


I was debating to take a pic, but was unable to because when you kick someone their props get removed so I was unable to sustain any proof for his prop climbing, that was also why I only banned him for 30 instead of 2 hours....

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After discussing the situation with both Mark and Pilpest, I've determined that this wasn't abuse. The reason Pilpest kicked you was because you prop climbed into his base. He confirmed that you were the one prop climbing because when he went outside to look for a prop, it disappeared because you were no longer in the server. Upon your return, he noticed the prop was no longer visible and he wasn't able to take a screenshot for a ban report, so he figured that a short ban would teach you a lesson.


As far as Mark is concerned, he never used his admin powers so he couldn't have abused. I was confused about why he said you were RDMing when you weren't, but still not admin abuse.

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