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Dr. Derp Admin Abuse


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He slayed 3 people who he though were in blue room but were not. I was trying to explain that they were not in blue room and tell the people if they wanted to, they could screenshot and report in fourms for admin abuse. Dr. Derp got mad at this and kicked me for talking back to admins....


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1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us about the incident:




either way, all i see is him telling you to be quiet and you not listening. Granted he should of muted/gagged you, he did warn you first.

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Norwegian, I was spectating him and another admin an I saw him run into blue room. Side Note: Saying "U mad bro?" does get old after a while you know. I also only slayed one, Justin, but my wegame client kicked me out so I dont have proof :/ Oh Jake, gagging is broken, if you type !gag [name] it just says you gagged them and they can still talk

Edited by Doctor Derp
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