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Brains abuse again


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1. Abuser name: -hg- ExGBrian.j2 [Abooser]

2. Their Steam Id:STEAM_0:1:33921598

3. What server:Jailbreak

4. About what time:6:10-6:25

5. PROOF:http://steamcommunity.com/id/hahahahahahahahahahahaha/screenshot/560913328438770848




6. Please tell us about the incidentscreenshots tell all but ill make it simple he slapped people for no reason and then lies about it he disrespects admin in the last screenshot he admits hell abuse in the screenshot and during the game he talks on mic when blackberry is leading and says im not abusing my power logitech u dumbass he needs his admin taken away theres to many posts about him doin stupid shit he shuldnt be doin

(im not posting this because i hate him its because he is abusing his powers)

and a lot of people hate him on Jailbreak


something needs to be done its getting really annoying admins are wanting to ban him and for him to get his admin taken away


sry Brians abuse again not brains typing error

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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I went into sauna with rawr ash then she took a step out and kept spamming the door shut it wouldnt open. I would never abuse like an idiot especially with JJK in the server. I slapped rawr ash so she would be pushed away from the door and i get out.


Logitech doesnt know anything about what happened and wont listen to why i did slap her he just starts to call me a liar and automatically goes to report me. No abuse done here.


as you can see from the last 3 abuse reports he has on me that he strongly has a grudge on me for some reason and doesnt wanna take it up.


p.s on the 3rd screenie where i said i would i did a typo and ment I wouldnt sorry for confusin

Edited by ExGBrian
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What about Mike Buble?


He wasn't acting like a ct just too busy doing a Upper vip to cell shingles jump. I gave him a slap and PM so he would actually do something as a ct. Ive been slapped before from an admin because of this so i thought it was ok to remind him.


We went through the free slaps before Faithl3ss i wouldnt do something again that would bother you.

Edited by ExGBrian
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lies again first i was in spec when u slapped ash and mike said who slapped me its in the screenshot stop lying cause u did something wrong own up to it and how can u be in sauna when the round just started derp and u didnt do i typo u meant it and i quote my original post

(im not posting this because i hate him its because he is abusing his powers)

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Well that brings me to the last part of the post which is the disrespect. Although that's not abuse, I want you to watch the tone. What you said in admin chat was extremely disrespectful and isn't going to be tolerated


I see its just that im getting a lot of heat from all the admins because they believe that most of the things i do to make this server safer is abuse and especially logitech who questions me on everything like the last post he did on me. Im just asking for a little respect for myself from the other admins because as you can see im not liked very much.


I can hopefully get a quote on ash with her shinanigans if you would like and i would get in touch with mike buble and ask for his quote on this.

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lies again first i was in spec when u slapped ash and mike said who slapped me its in the screenshot stop lying cause u did something wrong own up to it and how can u be in sauna when the round just started derp and u didnt do i typo u meant it and i quote my original post

(im not posting this because i hate him its because he is abusing his powers)


It in fact was not the beginning of the round we were already a minute in. If you were in spectating me or rawr ash you would see what was happening.

For mike i slapped then PM if i didnt pm he wouldve gone in a rampage as you can see.

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Brian, being an admin can be difficult at times and if you ever get overwhelmed you can just come speak with staff or council on teamspeak. However, you can't be going off on people like that while you're an admin in the server or wearing the -hg- tag. I appreciate you coming to the forums and calmly explaining your side of the story.


Not Abuse

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