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So my screen died...


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I was just sitting in Vent and on the HG website and my screen went black :/. Dunno why, wire problem? My laptop turns on but there's no picture whatsoever, sound works. LCD is only 2 months old WTF?! I'll start working on it in an hour or so.

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No like I said I was just sitting there in vent and on the website. I told Lamp and whoever else was there it died. :/ I'll probably do it tomorrow, I'll connect it to my TV tonight to print some stuff then be done.

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Even if you get it fixed, save up for a desktop. You will need a desk top to put your laptop on top off. Also you will need a lap top to till then to use as a desk top. Canadian humour.:rofl:


That's probably why I don't fucking get it.

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