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What a facepalm..


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Ok so it appears to be a huge misunderstanding,

The original thread was https://hellsgamers.com/threads/7219-D2DM-******?p=287823#post287823

lol.. ok so I thought I was banned for cheating, but ive only ever played with hg for the past 2 weeks... so I was really confused but it would make sense as to why when I tried to connect to one of the kcg pubs or whatever it is I was denied for being banned. If you read the other post, id like to say that I never connect using the name "Ni**er" Nor have I ever cheated,

I noticed the post was back in 2009 which makes me laugh because ive been using this account for like a month... ive never been banned in my life for any games ever, I play on esea with a clean record and have done rediculously well in leagues... Id first like to appologize to faithless for insulting his servers, I didnt mean to trip out and it was my immature fault for doing so but with everyone talking and being like OHHHHHH! I just kind of felt the need to defend myself. I did it in the wrong way but in my defense I was completely unaware of the ban that took place in 2009. Ive only been playing with hg for 2 weeks now and its definatly 2 years later lol... so if I could explain that this account wasnt bought buy me that would probably explain alot of it? That ive been using it for like a month and the only reason I do is because my account doesnt have day of defeat source and as some of you know I enjoy playing dods on the server with the guys. So if that clears things up Id like to apologize to everyone again and faithless to his servers.. that ban like 2 years ago wasnt related to me at all, im not racist nor do I cheat, ive played the highlest level of counterstrike, if you ask people id hope theyd tell you im fun and mature and non aggressive or racist or negative towards anyone in the hg community and I apologize for this whole ridiculous insident, altough at the time I felt I needed to defend myself for doing nothing wrong, now that its cleared up it wasnt the admins fault at all and nobody had an idea as to why I was banned but he did what he had to do in defending his servers (faithless) and it was wrong of me to insult them and him as an admin. My apologies <3 Tricky " timothy bristow "

Edited by F4ithl3ss
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Based on the Steam ID supplied, you have been permanently KAC-banned for the following violation: sv_consistency 0.


Because the cvar sv_consistency CANNOT be manipulated client side, only 3rd party utilities (such as cheats) modify this cvar.


XX/XX/XXXX - 18:11:37: [kigen-ac-pub.smx] sv_consistency (sv_consistency) on xxxxx is 0

XX/XX/XXXX - 18:11:37: [kigen-ac-pub.smx] xxxxx (STEAM_0:1:xxxxxxx) was banned for cheating. KAC ID:5.15

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ya I understand what you're saying... but ive only ever heard of hg since like 2 weeks ago. Ive been using this account for like a month because it had day of defeat source on it I asked a friend if I could borrow it, it was just easier to use since It had source aswell so I coppied my configs over so I would have the same controls and I just used this account. It would make sense no? its only logical that I would trip out considering ive been banned from a server ive never played on before which is obviously why I tripped out in teamspeak because all I do is 10 man and anyone thats played with me or watched me play knows im legit, ive never done anything random and ive never used any racial names or been aggressive towards any race or anyone in general. Im really friendly so it shows how out of context that is. Ontop of that ive never had a game banned in my life, or any steam id, my esea's clean.. I play on client all the time. Ill even toss up my original source account if you wanted to check it. 0:1:19311381 . timothy bristow, legit proof. Clean since beta. Im not trying to say you're wrong and I understand about what happened like 3 years ago so it makes sense that I get banned from teamspeak after I tripped out, but I wouldnt have came to play with you guys and took the time to apply if I was banned from your servers no?

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you dont understand where im coming from, I get that and im sure kac is legit. Im saying I tripped out because I dont cheat and everyone knows thats.. its on my profiles, esea ect. Ive never been vac banned for anything... and the account I use to play ive had to use for like a month which isnt originally mine. Why would I come apply if I was banned for cheating, take the time to get to know everyone and hangout here if I was banned. It also dates back to 2009 which is FAR more than a month ago... the proof on my accounts are all clean and shows im nto a cheater.. so that not being me make sense

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if that really was me then I dont see what the issue is in letting me play on my original source account, not this one that I decided to play on because it had dods that was banned way back in the day on your servers.. if you think its me and what your saying is legit then wouldnt I just get insta banned for cheating on my other source from your servers anyways? Why dont you want to find out so that your anti cheat doesnt ban me and It shows It wasnt me

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I did for a while, but I love to play day of defeat source aswell which my original doesnt have, and the dods one, the banned from your servers for something in 2009 which I didnt have at the time, that account has css aswell so I thought might as well just use it

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