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Admins on jailbreak question


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Why do people get admins for jailbreak, when majority of them don't do what there supposed to do? yes there are some GREAt admins but I see a lot not doing admin duties. People get freekilled in front of several admins, and do they do something no! Yes I know admins can't see everything, but when an admin sees wrong doings and does nothing that's a shame. I would love to get admin and run the ship great as much as Iplay jailbreak, but I can''t see myself paying 15 a month for it. Not wining just pointing out something that I wish it can be addressed.

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We don't look at admin as being a "job" or "duty" for paid admins. If they spent their money on admin and don't feel like using it, that's completely up to them. However if you feel nothing is being done, then by all means, grab some screen shots or a demo of the people causing problems and post a report on the forums and we'll take care of it for you.

Edited by Jake
edit to clarify my post.
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Most of the time, if an admin doesn't it see it DIRECTLY we don't do anything about it. At least thats how i go about it, unless i truly know it is a freekill. But like jake said, you can do something other than just sit there and watch it happen. But yeah, we are lazy, in a way.

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adding to what blackberry said, particularly in Jailbreak we cant JUST go off from what other players say. Occasionally, if lots of people are telling me i will take action, but only if it is a lot. Other than that, i (persoanlly) MUST KNOW that it was a a FK before i take action.

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