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Request from the 2 week ban


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I am requesting that i get unbanned for what i have done. I'm sorry for being a fag towards shoubakka. I didn't realize what i was saying at that moment i was just caught up in all the stuff going on because i thought he got what he deserved for the things in the past and it finally caught up with him. But that was the past, but not everyone is perfect and should have another chance. It caught up with me and i got the ban hammer shoved up my ass. I was hoping i could get unbanned or have it reduced to a smaller time and i will say sorry to shoubakka for what i have done. HG is basically my life and i couldn't even stop from going on today while i was gone but i go to the website and it says i am banned. I was like shit now that was a dumb ass post and maybe they will forgive me just like i should forgive shoubakka for what he has done in the past.


Fellow [HG] Member,



Edited by F4ithl3ss
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Guest The_Monkey

Claiming naivety durring an apology is naive in and of itself. It shows lack of remorse for your actions, and instead portrays an "I got caught, better apologize" attitude.


Tell me, what should an appropriate punishment be?


Please note, anyone besides monkeyman and staff posting in this thread will result in extreme digital pain.

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Guest The_Monkey

Your TS3 and server bans will expire in 6 days. Your minecraft ban will be for one week.


You still didn't give a good apology.

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O im very sorry i thought i would do that over ts. But here it is. Shoubakka i am sorry for being a asshole toards you and your villa, i hope you can forgive me for what i have done. The only way i think for us to forget about this is for us not to talk or even if we are in the same ts channel not even to talk shit about each other. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and i hope you forgive me.

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