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Teen killed his own parents, then partied in same house...


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Wow, this is sad. Next thing you know, as many of us have pointed out, people will start pointing fingers at video games. Video games have NOTHING to do with how we think,act,etc. We can totally prevent ourselves from shooting someone with a gun. Point being, it was HE who made himself go crazy, not the drugs,etc, just his mind setting told him to do this.

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If I really wanted to, and took my time making this thread, I could have typed a whole lot more about other point of views and other possibilities as to why he did such acts. But no one would of read it. Had to make it short.


When I posted this thread, I didnt know everything, only heard half the story. But knowing that he had mental issues before, and claiming he seen the devil + taking 3 E pills = Killing parents... You guys are right, he had a problem before the drugs. But we all know that drugs do alter mentalities, especially if your emotionally addicted. All your priorities, morals, principles, logic, emotions change drastically.


Zeon, you know damn well the defensive lawyers gonna do what they can to get this kid less time in prison/asylum... Its their job, morally or immorally.


And Ven, you have a point there. Parents. What if's... But looking at those pictures, reading numerous articles from various websites, watching the news on CNN and NBC, all having similar stories, and nothing about parents treating their kid negatively.


Well, I understand that but if he gets institutionalized that will be fine too. I just don't want to see him acquitted by way of temporary insanity.

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