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Cisco Linksys E3000


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So I have been having problems with Steam disconnect errors (No Steam Logon) :mad: and I am starting to think that it is the UDP Ports that arent opened on my router, I have a Cisco Linksys E3000 Router and do not know the Password + Username. I think that it is STILL the Default Username+Pass. Im looking for the DEFAULT username+pass for this router. If anyone can help me with this it would be AWESOME and much appreciated


Thanks in advance!

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Then you may consider doing a hard-reset of the router. You need physical access to the router and to do so please follow the steps below

1. Disconnect all ethernet devices but not the power (optional but recommended just in case...)

2. Find the "reset" button (this is typically either found at the bottom of the unit or nearby the power input)

a. Get a paper clip or a fine-tipped object and push the button down. Hold for about 15 seconds.

b. You should see all the lights cycle. After that's complete, power off the router and boot it back on.


Warning: this will effectively wipe all your router settings including Wi-Fi passwords and QoS policies.

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Once you get access to your control panel forward the port you want open then make sure its open for tcp and udp. Make sure you setup dhcp and asign the computers lan ip you want to it so the port forwards to the right lan ip and doesn't change or go to the wrong client.

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