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People getting away with too much stuff?

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Im pretty sure most of you dont really know me cause Im new here and dont post that often. But today someone brought up a good point to me during a game of HnS, which is what I usually play and what I have admin for. Now I have been playing HnS for several months and at first the server was usually pretty busy with the regulars in them all the time. Lately though I have noticed that it has dulled down quite a bit and one of the reasons I think and was pointed out about is that alot of the people who play are getting away with breaking the rules due to few admins ever in the server, such as glitching, racism, and one example from today was someone talking extremely sexual to a female in the server. At first I sort of ignored it, being that the other players could simply mute that player. Then one of the players msg'd me asking if I can do anything about it. I looked up stuff about that sort of thing and couldnt really find anything along those lines, other than mic spamming. The female left shortly after that and it stopped. Now I purchased admin because like I said I rarely see admins in that server and was tired of watching people get away with everything. So being in the position I was in, should I have muted him or even kicked him? Also I just read the rules about what to do with the racism situation so I am clear there. I guess what I am trying to get at here is would you have handled the situation different? Let me point out that I did try to contact the female but she never responded.

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Lol right...now we have to call you division leaders O_o


But off the point, yes stated above, sexual harassment a nono, warn, mute, kick, ban.


This is sometimes the problem on low admin servers such as minigames. Either the admin doesn't care, or there are no admins online to help out. Unfortuanetly that's just how it works.

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When someone on the server isn't treated fairly, use your admin. Its up to you, using your common sense to make the right decision. You can tell some people join a server to harass anyone , come with a bad attitude and attempt to spread it around. I'm not telling you to not follow the rules but since you said this persons comments were extremely sexual, making another player very uncomfortable, to the point of leaving a warning is fine but make a demo or get a screenshot and ban that jag. Post it in the appropriate section and forget about it. Now go through your recent players and add her as a friend and tell it won't happen again.

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As everyone has started,


Warn the player (via mic or admin chat)

If the player keeps it up, mute them. (if it is written harassment ..since gag doesn't work, I usually just kick them)

Now, from here, there are a couple different ways the situation could go

>>>If, when they are muted, they keep harassing via typing, kick them.

>>>If, when they are muted, they leave and reconnect to avoid their mute, ban them (usually between 10-30 minutes is good)

>>>OR, once you feel they have been muted long enough ..warn them and say .."I'm going to unmute you now, if you keep your behavior up, you will be subject to a ban. (if they keep it up ..the ban should be between 10-30 minutes)


If you have any other questions, here is the new chain of command. (Advisor, Manager, Leader) I'm very knowledgeable with Hide n Seek ..I use to play it all the time. :) I would be more than willing to help.

If, when they are muted

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