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Mac Viruses - Myth Busted!


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Viruses for macs have been around but their isnt nearly as many as any windows based virus. But most of the viruses for macs you have to install yourself and be a complete retard to get one. But theyre a lot simpler to delete. Just kill the process and drag it to the trash bin. lol


I had to infect a mac and pc with just one virus for some training. I literally spent at least 2 hours on both going to the most shadiest websites that the end of the internet has to offer and I didn't get shit. HOW DO YOU GUYS DO IT?

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Viruses for macs have been around but their isnt nearly as many as any windows based virus. But most of the viruses for macs you have to install yourself and be a complete retard to get one. But theyre a lot simpler to delete. Just kill the process and drag it to the trash bin. lol


I had to infect a mac and pc with just one virus for some training. I literally spent at least 2 hours on both going to the most shadiest websites that the end of the internet has to offer and I didn't get shit. HOW DO YOU GUYS DO IT?

Download a .exe file
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