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Best N64 Game (Vote!)


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Guest The_Monkey

I voted for Zelda. I like playing quake or duke nukem over golden eye.


However, Mario Kart 64 was the best. It set the bar for all future mario kart games.

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I voted Mario 64 just because I got the castle secret star in the Secret Slide for my cousin's and it was the last star they needed but Smash Bros. came in second cause we had a lot of fun beating on each other even though I didn't know how to play at all but I managed to do okay button mashing. Now, I know how to play properly but not at a professional, crazy good, tourney player. I know I am gonna get a lot of flak for this but I never had a chance to get into Ocarina of Time because my cousin's had all the files sewn up and I didn't have the time to put into it or even continue the game because I only visited their house once a year, so get at me.

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