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Razer Mamba...any thoughts?


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I currently have a Logitech G500 and I'm thinking of replacing it with a Mamba 4g (whenever its back in stock). I look through the internet; through every knick and cranny but cannot make up my mind.


The G500 is reliable but i heard the mamba is more agile and more ergonomic. Im not getting the Mamba just because of its "Dual Sensor" bs. I've just heard great things about it and think i should get one. If you guys can help me out it would be great.


Ill put up a poll to see what people think about the Mamba and The G500. Please express your feelings about these 2 mice, i'm trying to make a decision to stay with my G500 or get a Mamba.


EDIT: I've also been looking at the R.A.T 9 but I dont like the look of it, but I stared at the picture and the more i looked the more i liked it. IDK


EDIT 2: Price is not an issue. The things I'm looking for are performance, comfort, and reliability.






Edited by GreyLlama
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ok the mamba is ok...but i recently just bought the mionix naos 5000....this thing is the greatest most comfortable mouse out there. It replaced my deathadder. (i know you didnt want to here another mouse but its better so might as well look into my man)

some mixed reviews on the rat 9 my only thing with it is that it is made by madkatz soo yeahh

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ok the mamba is ok...but i recently just bought the mionix naos 5000....this thing is the greatest most comfortable mouse out there. It replaced my deathadder. (i know you didnt want to here another mouse but its better so might as well look into my man)

some mixed reviews on the rat 9 my only thing with it is that it is made by madkatz soo yeahh


Huh, well the Mionix does look good, but its features look a little generic, similar to other mice (besides S.Q.A.T, but newer gaming mice are getting similar things). Also, my desk is cluttered with wires already, thats why I liked the Mamba, it can be both wired and wireless, you just place it on the dock and it charges or if your in the middle of the game just pull out the cord.

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If you like the G5 and you want to switch to razor. Id look into the Razer Imperator. Its an amazing mouse
Lots of peoPle are complaining that the Imperator 4G is having liftoff freezing. Besides I'm looking at the mamba not the imperator
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No freezing on my imperator. If you have the g5, and you like the feel, the mamba is completely diff. I named the imperator because its the same feel.


The feel of the G500 took me a while to get used to. I dont really like it. I like 1 finger on the left, 1 finger on the scroll wheel, and the third on the right mouse button. The 2 other fingers rest on the sides. Sometimes the way the mouse is designed makes me fingers slip off '~'.


Thats one of the reasons im looking at the Mamba, a different feel. It looks like it could suit my needs, too bad I cant try it out, the two futureshop near here have a demo for the Lychisis, Chimera, and the Deathadder. I liked the feel of the deathadder but I heard the Mamba is the same feel.

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I Have A Very Similar Logitech Mouse and Im Happy About it but When I Was Buying It I thought About A Razer And Checked My Friends New Razer Mamba and now i know i should off get a Razer Not Logitech
Ya the newer Mamba looks good that's why I'm gonna get it but there out of stock at the moment I tweeted them but they said it won't be for a long time
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If you guys want to buy a NEW Razer Mamba 4G, click here. Razer has put the 4G Mambas for back order a couple hours ago. Shipping date is the 10th of Auguest.


Final verdict: I'm going to get a Razer Mamba, and if you all want to stick to your Rodents or you Techs, whatever. Im joining the Cult...of Razer.




PS: Also if you guys care, the Imperator 4G is also IN STOCK. Same shipping date as the Mambas (10th of Auguest). Theres no real difference between the 4G Mice besides the mouse itself. Both now have 6400 DPI, etc.



Web Sites Razer Mamba 4G: $129.99

Razer Imperator 4G: $79.99

Razer DeathAdder 3.5G: $59.99

Cyborg R.A.T 9: $149.99

Logitech G500: $69.99

Logitech G400: $49.99


just to let u know i ment R.A.T 9 made a mistake with a number ;P


Hah, no problem, just R.A.T 7 is an actual mouse by them so i got confuzzled.

Edited by GreyLlama
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