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1. Abuser name: Uber

2. Their Steam Id: STEAM_0:1:12356800

3. What server: US Jailbreak

4. About what time: It started around 12:00 PM EST.

5. PROOF:red.dem

6. Please tell us about the incident: Well i joined the server And started to play. Ever since i was T-Listed i started to demo all the Games, (also this is a bit off topic but poison you were right about the red Glitch i got it today.) So i joined CT and played a few rounds, uber comes in the server and Teamswitches himself to CT Screwing up the ratio. He switches to T again (not sure if it was him or another Admin.) Then later He does the same thing again, Switches himself to CT and Screws the ratio again. He is again switched back. Then later again he does the exact same thing and he gets switched back, and after that he does it one last time before i tell him im going to report him for admin abuse.


The demo is a bit long because i started it when i saw Sock as red And i went to demo it, so please excuse that.


EDIT: I Posted the wrong demo which is fixed now, But before someone posts "Hes Young and a new admin let it be" I called him on it several times and Another Admin Called him on the abuse And its hard to Not Figure out why your being changed back to T Several times when you change yourself to CT. Imo there is no Excuse for this.

Edited by F4ithl3ss
Wrong Demo
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Thats pretty much all he did in that demo, Today he was saying he was going to ban people (I tbh forget the reason, i have it in a demo if its wanted.) And was baiting and rolling for lead then passing it off to someone else -.- Other than that thats it. Oh and on a offtopic sidenote there was a mass Slapping going on in JB to aswell, though i couldnt find the admin doing it, so the demo of it is useless.

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