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Military/ROTC help + advice


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Been going through some stuff at home, pretty unhealthy things, and thought I would either join the military to get my head clear and start a separate future for myself or do ROTC through school and serve after. Was wondering if you guys who've been through ROTC or military have any advice, tips, what you've been through, or anything like that. Thanks HG.

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Im sorry to hear you going through negative situations in your life...

I was in the ROTC back in high school. The military. It all depends on what you wanna do. Each branch of military has their pros and cons. I used to work at a dry cleaners right in front of an army base. I know some about each branch. I also have a buddy thats in the Marines right now. I can assure you, if you want your mental sanity to go shit, then go to the Marines.


If you want a more laid back job, then go to the Air Force. They mostly work on intelligence and cyber fields. Their training and physical work outs are much less harsh than the other branches.


If you like the water? The Navy is best for you. Lots of traveling through the seas, stopping by plenty of ports for restoration and sanity reasons, who knows, you might stop by the Bahamas, Hawaii, or other fun places...


Army? Well, all around stuff.


Wanna do ground services and want that action? Stay enlisted. But if you wanna command or do more desk work? Then go to college for the military, do rotc and then join the army. Youll be an Officer.


Ofcourse, plenty underlying factors for each military faction.


Oh... For my conversations with other females that are in the military, most are in the Air Force. And they are happier to be in the AF than the others.


If you dont wanna be in Active Duty, then join the National Guard or Reserve.


Either way, whatever happens, I hope all goes well for you Poison.

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