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What could you do with 100% of your brain (NZT)

Dexter Morgan

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If anyone has seen limitless, they know about the fictional drug NZT that the dude takes to use 100% of his brain. If you had one tablet and had to decide what to use 100% of your brain on one day, what would it be? I am really into starcraft right now so I would use it to challenge all the top pros and beat them with ease. One random person in this thread will win a tablet of NZT! (Jk)

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If anyone has seen limitless, they know about the fictional drug NZT that the dude takes to use 100% of his brain. If you had one tablet and had to decide what to use 100% of your brain on one day, what would it be? I am really into starcraft right now so I would use it to challenge all the top pros and beat them with ease. One random person in this thread will win a tablet of NZT! (Jk)


Really......... you would use NZT to play a fucking video game................

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LOL... Derps...



I would do what I can to help those in need.... I dont feel like thinking right now but, whatever it takes to help someone in need out there.... I would. Even if its just 1 person I helped.


Or! Get rich quickly, THEN help people in need. Ofcourse money doesnt buy everything, but it helps, especially when your in America.

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What should I expect when I take NZT?


Many people report experiencing feelings of euphoria within 30 to 60 seconds of taking NZT. Others have reported significantly increased memory – both in capacity and speed of recall – within the first 24 hours of taking their first dose of NZT. You will be able to digest vast amounts of information in a very short amount of time – a foreign language, for instance; you will be able to memorize not only a considerable amount of vocabulary but usage rules, idiomatics, phrases, sentences and situational expressions.


Because NZT is a new class of brain stimulant, it will reduce your brain’s need for extended rest periods; i.e. sleep.


Also, NZT may allow you to exercise for longer periods with greater efficacy. You will feel stronger, faster, more focused.


Most people who continue taking NZT beyond their initial seven-day regimen report other psychological and sensory enhancements including improved hearing, vision, taste and smell. Others have reported teaching themselves how to draw or paint, construct complex machinery or experience higher levels of consciousness.

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What are the side effects if I should stop taking NZT?\



Users who did not complete their initial NZT regimen or who missed a dose or who chose to discontinue use of NZT reported experiencing (among other side effects and withdrawal symptoms) insomnia (difficulty sleeping), extreme back pain, frequent urinary tract infection, nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, mouth dryness, acute sensitivity to sound and light, weakness, exhaustion, feelings of extreme thirst and hunger, glandular issues, organ failure, increased sexual appetite or lack of sexual desire, impotence and feelings of limited self worth. Others reported experiencing violent thoughts, brain damage, blackouts, suicidal feelings, homicidal feelings, extreme paranoia, rapid aging, time dysplasia, psychosis and possibly even death.




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I don't know who came out with the idea that we use only like 10% of our brain, but that information isn't true. We do use 100% of our brain.


Studies have shown that you only use a certain amount while thinking of one thing at that certain time. Of course you use 100% of your brain, but not every second of everyday.

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