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Runes for jungling


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They're not REQUIRED for some champs, but in order to jungle with a LOT of them yeah it takes a bit of help from runes. The ones you really need are flat armor seals (yellows), armor pen marks (reds), and attack speed glyphs (blue), and flat health or armor pen quintessences (browns). These allow you to hit harder and faster while sustaining more minion damage.


A FEW junglers can do it WITHOUT these runes, but that is because they have great health sustain from abilities. These include Warwick (Hungering Strike and Passive), Trundle (Passive and his Q steals damage from the minions), and Jarvan (LOTS of armor and attack speed from his standard [E] but, you most likely want to start small golems with him).


One warning, if you aren't lvl 20, don't even bother getting runes OR jungling. Any rune that isn't a "Greater" rune is a waste of money, and you can't get them until lvl 20. Also, until you're at that high of a level, jungling isn't really necessary or even effective, as laning against bad enemies is much more productive than jungling against beefy neutrals.


All in all, jungling is fun and great for winning early lanes, but only if you're at THAT stage in the game level wise. Until 20, it's kinda bleh. If you have any questions, hop in the channel with me or others in teamspeak (when I'm not at work like I am now lol) and we can help you out.

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Depends on who you're jungling, but the simple answer; yes.

Armor pen marks for most ad champs, I use AS Quints (ArP Quints work too), I use Armor Seals, and MR Glyphs (Flat).

Unless I'm jungling Xin, then everything is AS except for Armor Seals and ArP Marks.

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My AD/Jungle page just in general that I use for jungling and regular AD carries (ranged and melee) is:

9 ArmPen Marks

9 Armor Seals

9 MR per level Glyphs

3 Health Quintessences


I go the 3 Health Quints because it allows me to play mid with champs like Ashe/TF without having to get a dorans blade off start. I think most dorans items are terrible and would rather go boots + 3 pots to mid EVERY time, but squishy champs need that extra 76 or so health.


For a guide on what runes to get and what runes to not get, consult this one off mobafire.


It classes each rune into ranks and you should pretty much never get anything below A rank of any group. Off the top of my head you want:

Marks: Armor Pen, Magic Pen, Attack Speed

Seals: Armor, Armor per level, Mana Regen per level (flat mana regen is stupid and useless), Dodge, Attack Speed

Glyphs: MR, MR per level, Mana Regen per level again (not sure why they're both good but they are... glyphs are better though if you have to choose), and Ability Power both flat and per level

Quints: Health, Armor Pen, Attack Speed, Crit Chance, Movement Speed, and Flat Ability Power

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AP junglers are a bit different. Obviously you don't want armor pen for Fiddlesticks since he doesn't really do physical damage. Jungle Fiddle/Amumu/Heimerdinger build runes a bit differently:

9 Magic Pen or Flat Health Marks (I'd go Magic Pen since flat health kinda sucks here)

9 Armor or Dodge Seals (Some people prefer dodge seals for jungling... I hate relying on luck, so fuck that, get armor)

9 Magic Resist per level or Flat AP or Mana Regen per level glyphs (in case you're without blue buff for a while, mana regen is good to have... but I prefer Flat AP most...)

3 Health/Flat AP/Magic Pen quints (I do flat ap since they're most pretty good junglers without the extra health.


My would be rune page (if I could freakin hit lvl 30 again) for AP jungler is:

9 Magic Pen Marks

9 Armor Seals

9 Flat AP Seals

2 AP Quints

1 Flat Health Quint


This gives you an extra 9 Mag Pen, 14 Armor, 24 Health, and 20 AP to start, making jungling with your abilities (Amumu Tears, Fiddle Drain, Malphite W, Heimer Turrets) pretty easy.






Just a side note, make sure you get the 4 points in the Experience mastery in the utility tree. It allows you to get level 2 from just getting Wolves/Small Golems/Blue Buff/Red Buff. Instead of getting ALMOST enough experience. Having Level 2 from Blue makes a HUGE difference for champs like Amumu (Tears AND Tantrum), Warwick (Hungering Strike AND Attack Speed Boost), and Shaco (JitB AND Two-Shiv Poison).



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