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Admin abuse


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Was on jailbrake and was slayed and team switched. Becasue lead said for T's to jump onto something and the Admin Dullknife jumped off somewhere els. So I shot him then a T Blows up the lead after wards T's were told to freeze and his reason was The lead was dead? i think not.

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First off Gratz on make a abuse thread. My first was similar, I have proof of me slay him I will admit that along with steamswitch him. Told him to stay T for abit thnx. Reason Fk plus I am usually nice with my admin. In my first pic it shows Doc. Derp our lead who died by knife. I which case I jump off then get sniped. Reason of the slay. http://imageshack.us/f/840/adminproof.png/ <---- first pic.



My second pic may be helpfull or not. It shows Doc. Derp as ct and Mailman switched to CT so this proofs that mail man was T when this happen. See how cts can't kill each other with a knife. http://imageshack.us/f/17/adminproof2.png/ <---- second pic.


If you want me to say sry I will but my only thing I will object about is cry a river ... You can join ct again your not T locked. Have a nice day.

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