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Ok so we were just playing in ordinary 10 man tonight, and on the opposing team was prius and some tool named gavin. Through out the first half for every round Gavin would go on about how we need 6 players, how everyones awful and he wouldnt shut his terrible mouth so of course I said something... everyone saw it and Its still in my console if anyone wants to see all of it.. anyways this kid was running his mouth insulting all of our players and going on with his insults and I said something back to him and prius immediately jumped in and told me to shut my mouth like I was doing something wrong, starting shit by myself and not just defending my teammates and myself like I was. Its a little ridiculous when I hear so much about people talking shit and the stuff the admins have to go through all the time when they're part of the problem themselves... someone who prius likes all of a sudden has a free pass to run his mouth and shit talk everyone whos just trying to have a fun game and enjoy it then instantly justify banning someone for defending himself and his teammates for not "knowing about respect" as it says in my teamspeak console lmao. Its honestly amusing to me how not only how out of hand this whole shit talking thing is, but how its being handled with situations like this playing out all the time... prius is so full of it and such a hypocrite it makes me laugh. Even my teammates asked why I was banned because I said nothing but responded to this ignorant nerds comments whos full of himself and of course prius the little admit abuser that he is already with a strong dislike for me, had to jump all over his tip because hes to insecure and pathetic to say something by himself and I know his abuse would only get worse if I asked for an explanation to his rediculous reasons. But hey, I guess that when you've got the power you can make the "rules" apply to whoever they want to and leave the people you want out of that circle.

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people that know me already know Im not the one to start shit, and what happened tonight was far beyond ridiculous. They already have my respect and I have theirs as well. I dont start shit talking for no reason and if we ever say LATER NERD its in no way malicious or with bad intent toward anyone. I dont play with the goal to make people have a bad time, and its clear what prius is trying to do, because he has admin and is awful ingame so he might as well get at me the only way he can and he talks to me about respect LOL. Who are you but some trigger happy nerd with way to much access than he should have. Ask anyone who isnt his best nerd friend for life and get their opinions and youll hear the exact same thing. Anyways im not trying to rip on anyone just thought id get it out there, everyone knows anyways so its not to much of a shock

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You've been banned before for the same reason and be unbanned, so I thought you would be smarter and not have talked shit. You wonder why I have a dislike for you? Is because I hear your name waaaaay to much over skype/steam chats and I would really not like to hear anything about any particular player, but of course I hear your name. I do have the chatlogs of the entire 10 man still open too. I talked with gavin and told him not to talk to you anymore. I talked the ban over with another 10 man manager, koth and he said to week ban you, so I did. But the week ban or anything will not change your hard headed EGO that you have.


Prius | HG : tricky, you come in here talking shit and expect respect?

Prius | HG : really?


x3o tricky <3 nilab : LOL respect from a bunch of no name scrub nerds.. why would I care about that





-hg- GaviNNN - http://www.esea.net : EZMINERALS

Prius | HG : gg?



x3o tricky <3 nilab : lmao

-hg- GaviNNN - http://www.esea.net : gg? or is 12-3?

[HG] Numb : no

x3o tricky <3 nilab : you're so adopted

x3o tricky <3 nilab : 3-3

Prius | HG : k uno mas

x3o tricky <3 nilab : shit talking kids

x3o tricky <3 nilab : ez mobbin

-hg- GaviNNN - http://www.esea.net : I knew it was 12-3.

-hg- GaviNNN - http://www.esea.net : was making sure





And the reason you still use "you're so adopted" as an insult is beyond me. That was an insult 10 years ago.

Edited by Prius
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ive never been banned over "talking shit" ive had a talk with faithless about him and kixer and us arguing with shadow who loves me now... because he knows I dont talk shit to randoms for no reason.. and of course. You should expect that response when you only apply the rules to us not the one guy on your team who was talking shit the whole 10 man which you did nothing about.. but youre the first to jump in when I defend myself and tell me to shut my mouth? Then youre going to tell me when I answer him that I have to learn what respect is? Get real kid

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if any one of the admins have doubts they can ask anyone, or if they really want it ill show them the console about how this kid went off on everyone insulting them for rounds and rounds and you did nothing about it yet when someone you dislike says anything back its their fault, their talking shit, need to learn their place and earn respect? Lol youve got to be kidding me

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Gavin was also in the wrong, every 10 man I've done with you has involved talking of the shit which isn't a coinky dink


Also, edit mother fucka have you heard of it?


Also, Also, a kid who's never been out of open shouldn't be going around calling people randoms and adotped.

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why would I be banned for a week, all I did was respond to shit talking some kid did for a full match that you did nothing about, yet someone you dont like says the smallest thing in response to something youre awful admin self is letting slide not only a little bit but out of control and to the max constantly for one half, you then need to ban him for "not knowing respect" lmao where is your logic... you're an awful admin who does what he wants.. pretty simply put

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LOL why would I be banned for a week? All I did was respond to some kid shit talking constantly over and over for one full half that you knew he was doing and decided to do nothing about, yet the second someone you dont like responds to them they need to be banned from teamspeak for 7 days and learn respect? LOL nice logic bro

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I was on trickys team and to me it seemed like gavin instigated the shit talking. Just from my prospective i didnt have a problem that we were getting our ass kicked but it seemed like gavin was shuving it in our faces despite having koth on the opposite team. whole thing just seemed rigged and shit considering tricky didnt even say thing till gavin started mass shit talking then everyone jumped on tricky with the ban hammer. i know im probably not suppost to post but whatever.

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LOL why would I be banned for a week? All I did was respond to some kid shit talking constantly over and over for one full half that you knew he was doing and decided to do nothing about, yet the second someone you dont like responds to them they need to be banned from teamspeak for 7 days and learn respect? LOL nice logic bro


The fuck are you talking about huh I wasn't even there

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why would I be banned for a week, all I did was respond to shit talking some kid did for a full match that you did nothing about, yet someone you dont like says the smallest thing in response to something youre awful admin self is letting slide not only a little bit but out of control and to the max constantly for one half, you then need to ban him for "not knowing respect" lmao where is your logic... you're an awful admin who does what he wants.. pretty simply put


I've gotta make you happy one way or else you'd make another thread like this. You both were talking to each other, and why would it be more logic to ban you instead of him? And yeah, I think its unfair that I banned you and not gavin. I want to make you happy aswell as others happy.


Also, welcome Beast702 to the thread, a fellow 10 man manager and a division leader.

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like I said, Its not about talking shit back, its that prius didnt absolutely nothing about it and hes supposed to... not for a round or two for 2 full halfs.. yet hes going to ban me for speaking my mind and say I need to learn respect lol.. its ridiculous

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like I said, Its not about talking shit back, its that prius didnt absolutely nothing about it and hes supposed to... not for a round or two for 2 full halfs.. yet hes going to ban me for speaking my mind and say I need to learn respect lol.. its ridiculous


Like I said earlier why not make a post about it instead of going at it with the other guy and it doesn't matter if an admin is online or not. Just fucking post it up and not talk shit.


P.S. its called common sense

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like I said, Its not about talking shit back, its that prius didnt absolutely nothing about it and hes supposed to... not for a round or two for 2 full halfs.. yet hes going to ban me for speaking my mind and say I need to learn respect lol.. its ridiculous


I was playing a 10 man, not looking to police the server. I too, like to play in 10 mans and kill people. I obviously wouldn't stop the entire 10 man and ruin 8 others 10 mans. I deal with the 'drama' after the 10 man, and another 10 man manager said to ban you, like I said, for a week. It wasn't just my decision, please get that through your head.

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thats why I responded to gavin... but honestly small people arent even worth my time... People already know you're biased and corrupt. The only reason you want to ban gavin now is that I exposed you for doing what you want with your admin, and bending the rules and "applying them" to whoever you dislike

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This is finished. I'm calling this to both of you being banned since we don't need this kind of douchebaggery on here.


Banned for a week.


If I catch any of you in the 10 man servers, or 10 manning with hg players, your ban will increase each time I see you. If it happens enough, I will just perm ban both of you.

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