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A Ghost!

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OK on jailbreak server there was a guy by the name of Unconnected and he seemed to be obeying motd for a while and then he starts freekilling, so i try to slay him, but he wasn't on the list and then i realized his name would not show when he killed someone. Is this a Bot? or a hacker?






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It's not a bot, nor a hacker. There's a command you can use when setting your name that confuses the system into thinking you don't havea name and that you're not in the game. Thus, giving the name 'unconnected'


When this happens, simply type "status" in console, and look for the name that is just "" and bingo, that's him. It will be rather difficult, but look closely. Copy his ENTIRE steamID, (STEAM_1:2:345678) and if you're going to ban, "ma_ban _ STEAM_1:2:345678" _ being time banning. Most of the time, they will come in mic spamming. Simply mute them if so. If they start freekilling refusely, they are doing it on purpose, not because they don't know the rules. Don't warn, just ban. They're obviously trying to avoid the mani admin menu using that command/name, so this is why they are freekilling.


DOing this will prevent you from making mistakes using the mani admin menu. (Pressing more than one number, accidently pressing the wrong number, etc)

Edited by Dynasty
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If you prefer to use the Mani-Admin menu his name will 99 percent of the time show up as [] on the list. Also a lot of the time he's the first one. If he's not just cycle through the menu and find the one with just brackets and do what's necessary to stop the problem.

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But do not presume that an unconnected is not a hacker behind the name. Most are. The newer hacks have this feature built in all the time as an option.


But as previously mentioned, this 'trick' can be done by hand by any player without a hack.

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Yea people I have seen on other forums say this unconnected thing is supposed to make it hard to be banned, but, I actually find it easier via Mani menu or even a glance under status due to the sheer lack of characters in a name -- look for the blank :D

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