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Abuse report


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Name: -hg- belkashif

Steam ID: 0:1:35865330 (if that isn't it check his profile)

Server: Jailbreak

About what time: around 9:00 est






Explain incident: He slapped a guy off of obstacle and the guy died. In the first screen shot it shows the actual guy dieing right after he is being slapped. the second shows the first slap.

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The reason I slapped him is because he wasn't basically doing his job, he was busy pushing the wooden crate thingy into obstacle and trying to stand on it and he stood their for a while, I let it go the first time, I slapped him..so he just continues standing there. Then I slapped him again and he died. The T's and Ct's were at the cage and he was busy doing obstacle.

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I'm a bit why confused as to why we're slapping people to death?...


I've honestly haven't heard of a legitimate reason to slap someone to their death. This is definitely not one.


And no, your screen shot doesn't show him at obstacle. It just shows a blue x at the edge of the radar....

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I wasnt slapping people to death. He was in OBSTACLE while the lead was leading. So therfore I slapped him ONCE so he can go back to the cage area where everyone else was, But he DIDNT move he just sood there, so I slapped him again to make him move and he didnt go anywhere so he fell in obstacle.


legitimate reason? He is a CT and he is DOing Obstacle and NOT paying attentions to the T's so he should just stay there at obstacle and play on it?


in the screenshot look at the radar, it marks an X were he died.

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did you warn him at all?

I mean, most people might interpret your actions as being abusive if they don't know the circumstances. This is why reports like these come up because people aren't in the know of what you're doing.

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Havent Slapping always meant as warnings? I didnt slay or teamswitch him. I just slapped him, I beileve slapping is made so he can be warned.


Just like removing sprays, You warn the play and slap him for 5 damage.


Well all I can say is that I was just slapping him so he can go back to the CT's and T's, If what i did was wrong and against admin rules I applogise for these actions, next time I will issue a written warning then slap him. Thanks.

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