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For the Emperor!!


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Where all the Warhammer fags at? And by Warhammer I don't mean those silly computer games, I'm talking about the table top game!

The comp games are pretty good though, but no necrons ;_;
Either way I finished my Yarrick not to long ago for my Imperial Guard, gonna work on my chimera next. Post pics if you got them!


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Hooray for this thread!


I play some 40k, my main army is the Space Marine chapter Salamanders, if you aren't familiar with them they are the flamer, melta, and thunderhammer Space Marine Chapter.


I have about 3000 points worth of models, and i play quite regularly. Even streamed one game on cam for Arclyte, Scuba, and Gundam.


Here is two pictures of my last match of my army and my opponents the traitorous Chaos Space Marines.



My models consist of:

5 Veterans (W/Apothecary and Champion) (Command Squad)

35 Tactical Marines (w/2 Rockets)

5 Heavy Weapon Marines (w/o Rockets)

10 Scouts (5 Snipers)

2 Dreadnoughts

10 Assault Marines (Jetpack)

10 Terminators

2 Rhinos

1 Drop Pod

2 Land Speeders (One Reg, One Storm)

1 Predator

1 Whirlwind

1 Thunderfire Cannon (Shipping to me)


My hero's are Vulkan, Pedro Kantor, and a normal Librarian and Chaplain(Both painted Salamanders)


And my grand chariot my Stormlord!

Which i don't have a picture of but it's a apocalypse size tank.






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Hooray for this thread!


I play some 40k, my main army is the Space Marine chapter Salamanders, if you aren't familiar with them they are the flamer, melta, and thunderhammer Space Marine Chapter.


I have about 3000 points worth of models, and i play quite regularly. Even streamed one game on cam for Arclyte, Scuba, and Gundam.


Here is two pictures of my last match of my army and my opponents the traitorous Chaos Space Marines.



My models consist of:

5 Veterans (W/Apothecary and Champion) (Command Squad)

35 Tactical Marines (w/2 Rockets)

5 Heavy Weapon Marines (w/o Rockets)

10 Scouts (5 Snipers)

2 Dreadnoughts

10 Assault Marines (Jetpack)

10 Terminators

2 Rhinos

1 Drop Pod

2 Land Speeders (One Reg, One Storm)

1 Predator

1 Whirlwind

1 Thunderfire Cannon (Shipping to me)


My hero's are Vulkan, Pedro Kantor, and a normal Librarian and Chaplain(Both painted Salamanders)


And my grand chariot my Stormlord!

Which i don't have a picture of but it's a apocalypse size tank.






Dam thats a sweet lineup, I'm still building my IG army (what a fucking money pit) so right now i just field necrons. But they're boring, all i need to do is field a monolith, a lord with a res orb and a cape, and a shit load of warriors and destroyers and i just glance everything to death cause gaussloloolololol. oh and thanks about the Yarrick :-D

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To be honest, I have never tried a tabletop game like that. I have seen the figurines, and even knew people who played, but I never got to try it. I do love games of strategy though, but never had the funds to start playing such a thing. But, it looks awesome! Great painting man.

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