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Gamefly unlimited PC Rentals!


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Gamefly goes unlimted PC rentals for as long as you want.

2day GameFly announced it will launch a new digital client this holiday season. with 1,500 games for subscribers; beta starts September 8.


""Leading the feature set of the new GameFly digital client is the "unlimited PC play" option. A subscriber-exclusive, this feature allows paying members to download and play as many PC and Mac games as they wish. GameFly said its digital catalog will launch with 1,500 titles, and that the library will grow moving forward. ""

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An internet connection will constantly be required, even for single player games. This doesn't help any of the problems people have been complaining about for the last couple years.


it will b like Steam does for the ""FREE weekend games deals""!

U will have to save them then they will just expire after u get a new Rental, is not like Onlive.

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it will work same as steam.

One cloud server and international network of servers.

Download the client, make ya profile etc.


GameFly is the new Netflix of Gaming


i have 64 games on my steam library and probably 86 from Gamestop


from the 64 i have on steam i only play 3, the rest i don't even use them.

from the 86 i have on my desk collecting dust i don't play them.


NOW with Gamefly, = i can save my money now lol just rent a PC game b4 i buy it.


Come on guys, this is a Historic moment for PC Gaming,

Now we can actually rent games b4 we wait for reviews and people opinions to buy a game.

Edited by Wabbit
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But what i was trying to say, is that Gamefly is the new Netflix of today. Netflix changed its Mail service for Streaming service, and that killed video stores.


Gamefly is doing the same, From Mail service to Streaming service.


NEWSFLASH! Download servers for Gamefly will be swamped for popular games. It will be impossible to get them in a timely manner. Also this sounds just like steam. Buy a game and boom you have it. What I think it means is that you can rent a game WITH YOUR GAMEFLY SUBSCRIPTION because then you are paying for it still.



also just watched the promo video.....games are still $50 and it is a total rip off of steam with friends ect. ORIGIN HERE WE COME!

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There will always be people that consider "netflix" the only way to get movies. Being the "X" generation regardless of a better service I will still get my games the way I always have. "gamefly" won't help the business for steam I would guess though. Me personally won't be using it. Didn't much care for it when I did.

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  • Executive Council

If someone makes a better service than Netflix then I will jump on that in a instant.


The problem with Steam is I have so much invested in this account that switching to another service would be retarded. And I am not going to keep a ton of clients running in the background on my computer.

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thats true, i've never tried Gamefly, but I really like Steam a lot..


if i were able, i would try the PC Gamefly Rental deal, but I agree with some of the other brothers, i don't wanna have to have more clients running in the background than i need.


But like i said, I would still give it a shot if i get the funds probably..

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Inb4 this doesnt happen.


Also, Link?


Also, Also, I have never had anything but issues from Gamefly. I wont give them another red cent so long as I live and breathe. Gamefly can eatadick.


Me too. Fuck Gamefly. I signed up for it and then received my first two games. I send them back. 2 days later they e-mail me saying that I never returned the games even though I had mail confirmation that they were returned. I switched to gameerang and I still have it. Great service and whenever they make a mistake, they apologize.

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i use gamefly and have never had a problem except once, when they sent me a scratched disk. i told them this on their website, they mailed me a clean disk, i mailed them the broken disk back, and the problem was solved. and if they mess up and send you the wrong game, they let you have two out at a time once as a way of apologizing. i've always wanted gamefly to start doing pc games. i think this is a good move for them.

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