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Unban request


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In game name: x2 | Punisher


SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20548111


Banned from: 24/7 D2 but apparently "global"


Banned by: did not say which admin, just "staff" and it must have been RCON because I was never kicked from the server, and the name listed on the ban list was "unknown".


Requsting unban: I have never cheated in my life, and I do not use racism (since our community does not allow it, I dont do it in others' servers.) I am our BOE team leader, it would be very foolish for me to use cheats/exploits...although there is no reason listed for my ban so I guess I dont know what I am being accused of. If for some reason someone thought I was cheating, I would love to see the demo...else, I would like to be unbanned because I like the 24/7 D2 server. Thanks





I copied the information from the ban page for reference, if it helps any.





2009-05-12 19:22:25


Global - All Servers

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On another note, I scoured the "ban" forums (on and around the date I was banned) and did not find anything posted at all.


Although it is not likely, maybe someone copy and pasted the wrong steamID when banning? Any case, I was never made aware of a ban, never received any warnings for anything, and there is no posted reason for my ban..

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You were banned remotely on 5-12-2009


STEAM_0:1:20548111 Unknown permanently 2009-05-12 19:22:25 Staff Global - All Servers


We'll wait for a reason why. It's usually a 24 hour turnaround time.


If no demo or proof arises you'll be unbanned.

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