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-hg- escXtc ABUSE report


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i was playing like i always do and when he came around the corner in an obvious attempt to kill me through a WINDOW he claimed i cheated and nerd ranged and kicked me, so i was like wtf! dont kick me if you dont got proof and start bannign people cause you suck, and then he banned me lol, you dont ban people for being good at a game and frankly my stats are not that good. so for him to get all but hurt because i killed him and him call ME names and when i say he sucks ... he banns me... i dont think a child should have the power to ban people just cause they are better then him.


my steam id is : STEAM_0:0:5582793


the admin that banned me is named [admin] -hg- escXtc


children should not have the remote to the T.V.

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1. Abuser name:

2. Their Steam Id:

3. What server:

4. About what time:


6. Please tell us about the incident:


We need proof for any action to be taken.


Edit: he's up to his usual behaviour. Banned until he explains his behaviour.

Edited by enigma#
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First off that is not how it happened. I speced you for 8 minutes. Other ppl that are regulars on the server sent me personal steam messages saying watch this guy. I did. You were walling. I told you to stop. You continued to wall. I told you if you did not stop you would be kicked as a warning. Next you rejoined and started a barrage of racial slurs and cursing, such as, and i quote word for word, "fuck you, you fucking fa****(very offensive to some ppl), you fucking prick, you ni**er" So you were banned for 30 minutes, if I would of time to record this terrible irresponsible, childish, and ignorant outrage you would be permanantly banned from all HG servers.

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First off that is not how it happened. I speced you for 8 minutes. Other ppl that are regulars on the server sent me personal steam messages saying watch this guy. I did. You were walling. I told you to stop. You continued to wall. I told you if you did not stop you would be kicked as a warning. Next you rejoined and started a barrage of racial slurs and cursing, such as, and i quote word for word, "fuck you, you fucking fa****(very offensive to some ppl), you fucking prick, you ni**er" So you were banned for 30 minutes, if I would of time to record this terrible irresponsible, childish, and ignorant outrage you would be permanantly banned from all HG servers.


This is exactly the behaviour we do not want.

If you think someone is cheating, you record them. Post a report in the Bans Section.

If you completely sure of this, you can ban them but you need to make a report for this to stick.


If you are banning people because you believe they cheat and you don't provide substantiating proof, it is considered abusive.


Another thing to note:

You do not egg them on and provoke them. Telling them that they cheat and they should stop is completely unnecessary. You've been talked to about this and yet you're not listening...


Do we have an understanding?

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further more, you are not that great, i could beat you anyday in couter strike, but that is neither here nor there. i wasnt hurt that you killed me, i know you wall hack b/c i was ducked down behind a wall and you shot me in the head through the wall, no one else was around me, so you can not use the "radar" excuse, no one on my team was around, so you were not shooting at them. You prefired every doorway, shot ppl through doors. Why try and get on here to lie about shit, just be honest, oh I forgot, young punks these days think they should get everything handed to them on a plate and when they suck at something they cheat so they do not look so bad. Sorry young punk. I am a 33 year old private school owner that is also the administrator. I also run an autism center. I could care less about my score, or anything you mentioned there, so what do i have to lie about? You on the other hand are a person that will cheat just to try and get the VIP status. Hell the funny thing is I have never seen you on this server before in my life and i play daily Mon - Fri. You have never been on here. You are just some young punk trying to get his way. You need to be bent over mommy and daddy's knee and then you need a good ass whooping, maybe you will learn to respect your elders and admins. You were banned for racial slurs, cursing, and no respect for anyone but yourself, this is the problem with america today, kids like you.

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I do understand. But I can not for the life of me figure out why this clan allows kids like to get away with stuff. It is the whole customer is always right syndrome. This is why America and the whole world is on a downward spiral. Because now this kid is all happy he got his way. Believe me if I had time to record and post something I would. But he was such a headcase and started the slurs, I am friends with most everyone that is on that server all the time and I know some of them are African American, also there at least 2 girls and someone had a little kids voice, I own a private school and this language that he was using was unacceptable. If I would take time to record and all that he would of just left before I got and then would have came back talking shit the whole time as he was. Why make these assholes feel like they can come on to a HG server and control the admins and others. This is why HG servers have the highest rate of hackers than on any other server I have ever played on in 7 years of CS. Its b/c as soon as someone with hg in their name goes spec they leave or stop hacking and you can tell a huge difference b/c they go from king of the server to sucky. Then you start playing again and guess what they turn into the king again. Something has to be done.


I understand your frustration but this is not a matter of the customer (if you see it being them) being right. It is a matter of being able to show to others that a certain person cheats. That if for instance, he was cheating, that the proof provided would be able to show to not only the banning admin that he does cheat, but others.


Edit: If you indeed believe that they will cheat, play anonymously.


So it doesnt matter that i spoke to RedDevil about this incident? You just gonna show your authoritative power? Nice. I will remember.


I believe if he was being a jerk and offensive then yes, the ban is justified. I read however in your chat logs, that you were going back to telling people not to cheat and NOT following admin procedure for cheaters.



This ban was not to nullify what was done but to talk to you about your attitude and how you go about exposing cheaters.


All in all, your efforts for catching cheaters are definitely appreciated. However, like in many judicial systems, there is a certain protocol and procedure for everything.

Edited by enigma#
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